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Getting Started with Rest API's and Reltio - Show

By Chris Detzel posted 09-23-2022 17:15


Welcome to another Reltio Community show. Joel Snipes, Reltio Solution Architect and Chris Detzel, Reltio's Director of Customer Community and Engagement will help you learn to configure postman and make API calls to complete common tasks in Reltio. We use postman and other tools to show best practices.

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  • Welcome to the Reltio Community Show, where Chris Detzel, the director of customer community and engagement, will be discussing REST APIs and Reltio. The show will be recorded and posted in the next few days and several upcoming events will also be taking place, including events about blazing trails, master data management stories, best practices for using LCAs and DVFs, data mesh and data fabric, name cleansers for matching, improving data quality with Google, and more.

  • The speaker mentioned that they have a good training collection that they still refer to, and suggest that when you download a new tool, you should go to settings and put it in dark mode to instantly double your street cred when presenting. The speaker emphasized that it is important to use a real text editor and having stickers on your laptop can also help build your reputation.

  • The most exhaustive list of available APIs can be found in the documentation portal at, and for a better demonstration of how the APIs work, is the Swagger API portal. However, not all APIs are covered on the latter site yet, so be sure to check both for a complete list of APIs.

  • The process of making an API call involves encoding spaces in the URL with percent 20, which is demonstrated by searching for an organization in the Upstate province of Illinois with a Max of 25 to limit the response to 25. The process is made easier with the use of a UI that generates an API call for the user, which can be quickly modified with tools such as Postman. The author demonstrates how to make changes to the API call, such as removing the limit on responses or scores, and make the call to get back a response. However, the response was mysteriously empty, until the author discovered they were sending a post statement instead of a GET statement, causing the issue.

  • An API call can be made through the UI or through Postman, with the latter being useful for bulk update. If you're trying to send a file, it's recommended to use the data loader API. There's a PowerPoint with a link to Postman collection samples that will be shared for reference.

  • There's a need for more monitoring API status logs, with the shared collection including checks for the general health of the tenant and the health of the match queue. The API can show if the tenant is under any load and if the match queue is empty. The goal is to grow the collection in the documentation portal, and contributions of great monitoring APIs are welcomed.

  • There was a significant reduction in the lines of JSON, going from 45k lines to 12,000 after cleaning it up. There's an API available for address standardization, called the Cleanse API.



