That's a great question. With binary rules, you can use the equals filter, which is effectively like a wear clause in a SQL statement to say where, where equals, where the role is international. The rule will only evaluate international entities. With relevance based match, you get two options. There is the strict constraint and the weighted constraint, the strict constraint works the same way as the binary where it just filters out. If you want to only consider international entities, you set equals type to international, and we are only going to consider international entities. The second option is weighted. If you take a weighted constraint, it is treated just like a match attribute. If it's an international that helps its case for being a match, but it doesn't have to be international to be a match.
Joel Snipes
Original Message:
Sent: 02-24-2022 14:50
From: Mark Burlock
Subject: Can match rules specify filter criteria?
i.e. So the rule is only valid for domestic vs. international? #Relevancebasedmatching
Mark Burlock
Dodge Data & Analytics
Hamilton NJ