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  • 1.  GET entity api and filter on nested address VerificationStatus

    Posted 05-05-2022 23:41

    We are using address stored in an attribute AddressPrimary which is similar to out of the box nested attribute for Addresses.

    For a specific entity id looking to return results only when the VerificationStatus of an address is equal to Verified.

    Using GET Request via postman:

    However the request is returning the entity even where the VerificationStatus has a different value i.e. Ambiguous

    Any syntax suggestion or correction would be most appreciated.



    Mark Burlock
    Dodge Data & Analytics
    Hamilton NJ

  • 2.  RE: GET entity api and filter on nested address VerificationStatus

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 05-06-2022 11:11
    Hi Mark,

    The filter you are using are documented here:  These are used to return entities that meet the attribute filters.  I don't believe there is a way to filter within an individual entity using the API, like you are trying to do.  But you may need support to confirm that.

    Assuming the above is correct, you may want to set up your own API.  That API would call the Reltio API, parse the return using or similar functionality and returns the part of the response that you want to the caller.

    You may also wish to add an enhancement request using the Aha! portal.  If you don't have access to that, please check with your customer success manager.

    Gino Fortunato
    Senior Solution Engineer