If you're with the wrong comparator, you're most likely going to under match, because they're not going to be in alignment. You're going to mismatch and you definitely could get poor performance with bad tokenization. The basic string comparator works really well with the exact match token. We're just trying to see if two strings are similar, but like a fuzzy comparator could use this. There's all sorts of options when you go that route. But if you find, if you use this document, it's pretty helpful for keeping track of what's useful or what works together.
Joel Snipes
Original Message:
Sent: 04-04-2022 16:57
From: Chetan P
Subject: What happens when you give a wrong comparator / token class?
Does it only affect the performance or any mismatches can occur to the record? #Relevancebasedmatching
Chetan P