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  • 1.  Get matches & Get matches with scoring

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 11-17-2021 08:10
    Hi All, 

    I want to check if I have matching data in Reltio by passing in some entity objects in the input payload . 
    i.e I want to pass Fname , Lname, Email & see if there is any matching entity in my tenant . 

    While navigating through the Reltio Docs I stumbled upon the below two API's . 

    GET Matches : POST
    GET Matches with Scoring : POST https://{TenantURL}/{TenantID}/entities/_scoredmatches

    I feel GET Matches with Scoring serves my use case better . But I would be really interested to know the part played by scoreIncremental, Standalone & Match Score for my use case in particular . 


    Manish Kumar

  • 2.  RE: Get matches & Get matches with scoring

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 11-21-2021 10:03
    @Joel Snipes I think you can help answer this question.

    Christopher Detzel


  • 3.  RE: Get matches & Get matches with scoring

    Posted 11-22-2021 16:12
    Hello @Manish Kumar we had considered this Out of the Box match score capability for our installation at Schneider Electric. Here is how it works:
    > for each match rule in your tenant you assign a 'Standalone' (sort of 'primary') score and a 'Incremental' score (sort of 'secondary')
    > both those score are pure numeric score (they are not brought back to % for example). e.g. Match rule 1 could have a 'standalone' score of 90, and an 'Incremental' score of 30; and Match rule 2 has 'standalone' score 60, and 'Incremental' score 20.
    > let's take an example where a potential match of record A and B is proposed and triggered 2 potential match rule 1 and match rule 2.
       > Match Rule 1: 'standalone' score = 90 and 'incremental' score = 30
       > Match Rule 2: 'standalone' score = 60 and 'incremental' score = 20
           > Note those scores are to be decided by your team
       > for potential match pair A&B, one of the two match rule will be considered the prevailing one; in this case the potential match will get the 'standalone'
          score of the prevailing match rule;  and for the 2nd match rule capturing this pair, the 'incremental' score will be taken into account
       > so, in our example, the potential match will get 90 + 20 = 110 points

    > after considering this functionality, we decided that for our need it was not bringing much value since it only aggregates 2 scores, without system of weighting, or a % which would indicate the level of accuracy of the potential match; so we decided not to implement it.
    > instead we are currently in the process of implementing the relevance based score match, which is another functionality which does a much better job at indicating to what level a potential match can be considered as reliable.

    hope it helps.

    Global customer master data director
    Schneider Electric