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  • 1.  Auto-populating simple attribute from reference attribute

    Posted 06-24-2024 12:17

    Hello experts,

    We have PatternBasedFieldBuilder in cleanseConfig which can be used to auto populate a simple attribute by combining the values of multiple simple attributes.

    But I found that this is not working to auto populate a simple attribute by combining the values of multiple reference attributes.

    Is there a way to achieve this without using LCA?

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 2.  RE: Auto-populating simple attribute from reference attribute

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-26-2024 01:21

    Hi Nidheesh,

    You are right, Reference attributes are not supported in Cleanse. You can either use LCA or RIH to perform this operation



    Saurabh Agarwal

  • 3.  RE: Auto-populating simple attribute from reference attribute

    Posted 06-26-2024 06:24

    Hi @Saurabh Agarwal,

    Yeah. We don't want to use LCA considering obvious performance reasons. And not sure if RIH can do this in real-time.

    We somehow need to bring in a sort of scope feature in Reltio to achieve some complex auto-populate features.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer