Does it need to be defaulted for only when changes are made in the UI? If so, you could try using the defaultValue
"label": "Type",
"name": "Type",
"description": "Name of the type of identifier issued to the individual",
"type": "String",
"hidden": false,
"important": false,
"system": false,
"faceted": true,
"searchable": true,
"attributeOrdering": {
"orderingStrategy": "LUD"
"defaultValue": "ShowCode",
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Identifiers/attributes/Type",
"lookupCode": "rdm/lookupTypes/IdentifierTypes",
"skipInDataAccess": false
Bryant Barrenechea
Solution Architect | Professional Services
Original Message:
Sent: 09-26-2024 10:39
From: Sharmistha Roy
Subject: Custom Cleanse Config
We want Identifier Type to hard code to "ShowCode". Is it possible?
Sharmistha Roy
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 09-26-2024 09:29
From: Bryant Barrenechea
Subject: Custom Cleanse Config
Hello Sharmistha,
It sounds like the custom cleanser is for the Identifier ID. How is the Identifier Type going to be populated?
Bryant Barrenechea
Solution Architect | Professional Services
Original Message:
Sent: 09-19-2024 11:20
From: Sharmistha Roy
Subject: Custom Cleanse Config
Hi Team,
We have a requirement to implement custom cleanser for an identifier ID. I have developed the custom cleanse function and raised Reltio support ticket for deploying the custom jar. Meanwhile, I am doing POC with the OOTB cleanse functions, precisely, PatternBasedFieldBuilder Function on Identifier ID. While creating a profile, post save i saw only the Identifier ID and not the Identifier Type. I want both the values to be populated once I hit save. Can someone guide me with the process.
Sharmistha Roy
Fresh Gravity