Thanks Diparnab, will check and come back.
Original Message:
Sent: 10-07-2024 07:25
From: Diparnab Dey
Subject: Custom Workflow updates on Inbox
Thanks for the explanation Sharmistha. Custom workflow tasks also appear in the Reltio Inbox, without any additional changes. Refer to the following screenshot, this is a custom workflow and we can see the tasks in the inbox.
Assuming the workflow jar is deployed in the tenant along with the correct BPMN, my guess about your use case is that most likely the process instance is getting created but due to some issue the task ID is not getting created.
Can you please try executing the following API - and validate if you are seeing any open workflow with the associated task details for the entity ?
Here is a sample CURL for the API
curl --location '{{WorkflowAdapterURL}}/workflow/{{mdmTenant}}/tasks?objectURI=entities%2F08vZwvB&showTaskVariables=true&showTaskLocalVariables=true' \--header 'Authorization: Bearer XXXXXXX' \--header 'EnvironmentURL: {{environmentURL}}' \--header 'Content-Type: application/json'
If you are getting an open process instance id without any task id, then that would mean something is going wrong in the custom code due to which the task is not getting created.
Diparnab Dey
Technical Consultant
Kolkata, West Bengal
Original Message:
Sent: 10-07-2024 05:53
From: Sharmistha Roy
Subject: Custom Workflow updates on Inbox
Hi Diparnab,
Once a custom workflow is triggered , we want to view the task details of the customization workflow in Reltio inbox in a manner similar to how it's presented for the out-of-the-box DCR workflow.
Right now, once we trigger the custom workflow, a pop up comes showing "A new workflow has been started" and then if we go to Inbox, we are not able to see any details as we see for OOTB DCR workflow. Want to know if a similar functionality is achievable for custom WFs.
Sharmistha Roy
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 10-07-2024 04:14
From: Diparnab Dey
Subject: Custom Workflow updates on Inbox
Can you kindly provide some more information on the use case? Currently after a workflow is initiated and the user takes an action on the workflow, the requester gets an email notification. Are you looking for that type of monitoring or the requirement is something else?
Diparnab Dey
Technical Consultant
Kolkata, West Bengal
Original Message:
Sent: 10-01-2024 11:29
From: Sharmistha Roy
Subject: Custom Workflow updates on Inbox
Hi All,
Is there a way to monitor workflow updates in Reltio Inbox?
Currently, after deploying the custom jar in the dev tenant, once the workflow starts, we are not able to track the status or updates of the workflow. We just get a pop up message saying workflow has started but nothing else.
Sharmistha Roy
Fresh Gravity