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  • 1.  DCR / All Workflow Should be visible in Workflow attribute on Potential Match Screen

    Posted 07-31-2024 08:21

    We have use case where according to business requirements, it is essential to ensure that before any merging, users can verify if any other workflows, such as DCR, are open on another entity. This allows them to review details before proceeding with the merge. Currently, in Reltio, if an entity with an open workflow is merged and becomes the losing entity, the open workflow disappears and is not available in the history. This can lead to the loss of important information, especially if a workflow like DCR was suggested. Therefore, we need functionality that allows business users to verify all steps before proceeding with the merge.

    Current Reltio behavior doesn't support this. so we have raised Idea as below. Please upvote the same if you have the similar requirement or business case.

    Aha remove preview
    Great Ideas for Reltio Cloud

    Yash Gupta

  • 2.  RE: DCR / All Workflow Should be visible in Workflow attribute on Potential Match Screen

    Founding Member
    Posted 08-16-2024 15:11

    Voted! Certainly a much needed functionality, however before merge LCA os one of the options to restrict merges of a record has any unresolved workflow.

    PS. LCA's can lead to performance degradation, do consult Reltio PS prior to implementation 

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity

  • 3.  RE: DCR / All Workflow Should be visible in Workflow attribute on Potential Match Screen

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 08-19-2024 09:31

    This has always been an interesting topic as to what happens to a record when a DCR or Workflow that is not completed is part of a merge.  This bigger questions is:  

    1. should the be a functionality like a DVF on records like this to trigger a warning to the user attempting to complete a merge to complete the workflow first?
    2. Should the merge not be allowed or should you make this configurable. 

    These items are all in a non committed state.  The workflows and or DCR should all be completed prior to allowing the merge - so this is the bigger question of how do you prevent that from happening?

    Robert Thomas