I would agree with John assuming you are getting a 'delta' record which only has the changes. However, if you are getting the 'complete' record from the source, you can update the crosswalk without the 'partialUpdate' parameter. This tells Reltio that the data is the 'complete' data and not an update. Doing it this way will update all the values to the values in the payload. Therefore, attributes that have been deleted will be removed from Reltio.
Of course, lots of testing to make sure it works in all your scenarios is required.
Gino Fortunato
Senior Solution Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 13:22
From: John Davis
Subject: Delta Detecting for Deactivation in MDM
Hi Utsa,
We had this same requirement. For us a change record came in but it would not have the deleted party. We had to search Reltio for that contract and compare all the individuals that are on the new record. We would then mark any in Reltio that are not on the new record as Inactive. It is cumbersome. If you find a better way to do it then I'd love to hear from you.
John Davis
Glendale AZ
Original Message:
Sent: 01-31-2025 11:12
From: Utsa Das
Subject: Delta Detecting for Deactivation in MDM
Hi Experts ,
We have one single source which sends data for create/update in MDM . But if any thing got deleted at source end (either at parent/children level) they dont sent any notification for the deletion and .
Now we have an requirement to identify these kind of records (entity/nested attribute level) which are no longer coming from source and then need to deactivate the same (it can be either populate some delete flag /populate end date ).
Please help me how can we enable the above auto detection for deleted records at source end and based on the same delete/inactivate the records (either before or after loading in MDM) for each data load activity.
Utsa Das