We have verified below things to solve error. But still facing same issue. We configured everything as mentioned in reltio doc.
Things to check:
1.Double check the header that we are passing in API request : We have passed right header and body parameters.
We refered below doc: https://docs.reltio.com/en/engage/manage-data-workflows/overview-of-workflow-customi[…]M5*_ga_10T7JBJVN3*MTcyMzYxOTY1OS4zNC4xLjE3MjM2MTk4NjAuMC4wLjA
Also checked video : https://community.reltio.com/blogs/chris-detzel1/2022/02/14/making-reltio-workflows-work-for-you-show
2.Credential authentication:
Credential authentication is required when we are passing production workflow url in endpoint. But when we pass production workflow url in endpoint then it will required bucket name to deploy it. Means it deploying that jar directly to production. We can't test it locally.
3.Recheck the workflow settings, permissions for users: In video and doc as well, they haven't mentioned regarding permissions and roles. But we have provided all workflow related permissions and roles to me, as I am calling API in Postman.
4.Check the API endpoint, make sure we are calling right environment:
We tried by passing localhost workflow URL. It showing full authorization required error.
We also tried by passing production environment URL. Then it require one more parameter which is bucket name. But when we pass production environment URL then it directly deploy that workflow to production. We can't test it locally.
5.Authentication token ?:
They haven't passed any authentication header while calling api in video as well in doc.
Required when we pass production workflow URL.
Links verified:
1.https://community.reltio.com/discussion/how-to-register-environment-to-invoke-reltio-workflow-apis : This link is used to tell how to register production workflow environment. This is not helpful for us.
2. https://docs.reltio.com/en/engage/manage-data-workflows/overview-of-workflow-customi[…]M5*_ga_10T7JBJVN3*MTcyMzYxOTY1OS4zNC4xLjE3MjM2MTk4NjAuMC4wLjA : We have performed all the steps mentioned in this doc to debug jar file locally. We passed same headers and parameter. Still its giving error "full authentication is required".
3. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26881296/spring-security-oauth2-full-authentication-is-required-to-access-this-resource: In this link they are providing tomcat credentials. to get out token. We tried to pass authentication token in header which we are getting by calling reltio auth url. Then it shows invalid token error. Because our workflow adapter hosted locally.
Localhost URL testing and Production URL testing both screenshots are added.
Gayatri Khatale
Blue Altair
Original Message:
Sent: 08-16-2024 00:23
From: Gayatri Khatale
Subject: Deploy Jar file
Hi ,
We have performed below steps to debug custom jar file locally and test workflow:
- Install JDK and setup java variable in environment variables
- Install eclipse or Intellij
- Install MYSQL workbench
- Create reltio folder in C drive then create two sub folders : workflow and jars
- In workflow folder put APP.config file and downloaded Workflow JAR file. Put that into workflow folder.
- In jar folder put custom code jar file.(data.jar)
- Open CMD and try to java -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dspring.config.additional-location=classpath:/application.properties -DFS_DIR=C:/Reltio/workflow/ -DWORKFLOW_CONFIG_NAME=app.properties -jar C:/Reltio/workflow/web-2024.2.6.0.jar run this command.
- Then check http://localhost:8080/workflow-adapter/workflow/status this url. If status ok then workflow adapter setup properly.
- Also setup local workflow path into reltio.
- Then hit below api to debug jar file locally.
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/workflow-adapter/workflow/{{tenant_id}}/jarDeployments' \
--header 'EnvironmentURL: https://test1-usg.reltio.com' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"description":"code to assign task to indivisual user"
It's giving error full authentication required. Any solution?
Thank you!
Gayatri Khatale
Blue Altair
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2024 08:10
From: Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
Subject: Deploy Jar file
Can you check by providing EnvironmentURL in headers?
Also, make sure that the roles from which you are making the Authorization service call is having ROLE_WORKFLOW permissions.
Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
MDM Developer
Original Message:
Sent: 08-02-2024 02:51
From: Gayatri Khatale
Subject: Deploy Jar file
Hi ,
We are trying below post request in postman to deploy our jar file. But its showing error-"Full authentication is required". But we have setup workflow adapter locally. Then what should we pass for authorization into headers.
curl --location 'http://localhost:8080/workflow-adapter/workflow/{{tenant_id}}/jarDeployments' \
--data '{
"description":"code to assign task to indivisual user"
Thank you!
Gayatri Khatale
Blue Altair