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  • 1.  Display generator as a text field

    Posted 06-18-2024 14:47

    Hi experts,

    We have an attribute called MDM ID for one of our entity types. This MDM ID is a generator field with required as true, hidden as false, generateIfEmpty as true and generateIfNotEmpty as false. But as this is a generator field, this is hidden by default in UI during data creation and it visible only after the data is created in Reltio.

    There is a way to create a value for this attribute using Reltio API. But I want to add a value to this field from UI as well. Is there a way to make this attribute as a blank text field as string data type in UI. And populate the generator ID only if no value is provided for this attribute in UI?

    Please help on this as this behavior looks different in API  and UI. We need to have a streamlined design across all the features/services/

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 2.  RE: Display generator as a text field

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-26-2024 00:48

    Hi Nidheesh,

    Thanks for your question. Can you please explain the use case  in detail? How this ID is generally populated and why for some records user needs to provide the value in UI? For what percentage of records you think data stewards will provide the values in UI? Functionally IMHO , it feels incorrect to have a generator field like a blank editable text field in UI. 

    Abhradeep Sengupta

  • 3.  RE: Display generator as a text field

    Posted 06-26-2024 01:10

    Hi @Abhradeep Sengupta,

    Our MDM system is designed in a way that all CRUD operations in the tenant happens via UI and not via APIs. Because it is the data stewards who do the CRUD operations. And, these stewards get a daily file from the source system using which they UPSERT data in the tenant. Now, based on the data profiling we did, we can say that the file contains this MDM ID field, which is non-blank for 70% of the records, and blank for the remaining 30%.

    As we have to retain the MDM ID from the source system for the non-blank records, the data stewards need to have this field editable to add the MDM ID, and when the field is blank, the attribute should be auto-generated.

    Currently, the Reltio API does this as expected, like, when an API request comes with the MDM ID field, it creates a profile with the MDM ID in the request. But if the request doesn't have one, it gets auto-generated.

    We are unable to do this via UI.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 4.  RE: Display generator as a text field

    Posted 07-01-2024 15:49

    Any luck on this @Abhradeep Sengupta?

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer