Hi Shruti,
When we export from UI it will pick the selected attributes along with the crosswalk. If you need only the attribute then you may need to use the API option.
Girish Kalburgi
Reltio Inc. www.reltio.com
Solution Architect
Reltio Professional Services (PS)
Original Message:
Sent: 1/17/2025 1:56:00 AM
From: Shruti Das
Subject: RE: Export Entity data
Hi Girish,
It is not working with UI.
From Reltio UI when I am trying with my advanced search filter as
- Search by OV value =true
- EntityType =DNBCompany
- DNBRefreshIndicator =True
- and selected in right side attributes type,uri,Attributes.AnchorSourceIdentifiers.ID,Attributes.AnchorSourceIdentifiers.SourceSystem in UI
Export result giving all crosswalk values also.
If possible can you suggest or shall share more details.
Shruti Das
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 01-15-2025 13:00
From: Girish Kalburgi
Subject: Export Entity data
Hi Shruti,
Yes, you can achieve this via UI as well.
Girish Kalburgi
Reltio Inc. www.reltio.com
Solution Architect
Reltio Professional Services (PS)
Original Message:
Sent: 1/15/2025 1:20:00 AM
From: Shruti Das
Subject: RE: Export Entity data
Hi Girish,
Great thanks!!
I tried like below and it worked.
Output -
Can we get same 4 attributes export from Reltio UI also?
Shruti Das
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 01-14-2025 14:15
From: Girish Kalburgi
Subject: Export Entity data
Hi Shruti,
The reason why its only giving uri & type is that the "Attributes" should be in lower case "attributes"
Here is the example: "type,attributes.FirstName,attributes.Address.City,createdTime"
Here is the documentation for the same:
Hope this helps.
Girish Kalburgi
Original Message:
Sent: 01-14-2025 10:45
From: Shruti Das
Subject: Export Entity data
Hi Team,
I need to export data which should have attributes
From Reltio UI when I am trying with my advanced search filter as
- Search by OV value =true
- EntityType =DNBCompany
- DNBRefreshIndicator =True
Export result giving all crosswalk values also. How can I get only four attributes in export mentioned above.
I have tried select attributes options from UI and it is not working also tried from POSTMAN API CALL AS below
https://dev.reltio.com/jobs/v1/export/C0Bxpp76rpACDYG/entities?filter=equals(type,'configuration/entityTypes/DNBCompany')and equals(attributes.DnBRefreshIndicator,true)&select=type,uri,Attributes.AnchorSourceIdentifiers.ID,Attributes.AnchorSourceIdentifiers.SourceSystem&fileFormat=csv&distributed=true&taskPartsCount=7&partSize=4000mb
This is giving only type and uri values.
Please let me know how can we do.
Shruti Das
Shruti Das