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  • 1.  Finding/Searching the closet Location

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 12-09-2024 09:06

    Hi Folks,

    We have contact , Organization entities and contact-Organization, Organization-branch relations.

    Lets say contact C1 has relation with Org1, and this Org1 has 10 branches to it. Requirement is based on the contact C1 crediting/mailing address we need to find the closet branch and create a contact-branch relation with that branch. 

    Is there any feature or functionality in Reltio that can help to find the closet branch in above scenario.

    Vikash Malekar

  • 2.  RE: Finding/Searching the closet Location

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 12-09-2024 11:59

    Hi Vikash,

    All of these locations are geocoded when the addresses are validated.  

    Reltio supports finding close branches via the Proximity matching capability with the match rules.  However, I don't know that this is a good solution for your problem as proximity matching will answer True/False ot the question is there a branch within X distance.  But if there is zero or more than one branch within the proscribed distance, you will still have to figure out what to do.

    Instead, what I would suggest is doing some post processing.  i.e. listen to the queue for a contact creation.  Take the address of the contact and find the closest branch using one of the many online examples.  Once it is identified, call the Reltio API to create the relationship between the contact and branch.  

    you can do the above with the Reltio Integration Hub or with the automation tool of your choice.

    Gino Fortunato
    Senior Solution Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Finding/Searching the closet Location

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 12-11-2024 07:58

    Hi Gino,

    Thanks for your response.

    We are thinking  to apply relevance matching here, so that we can get the relevance score based on the distance between. And using score to decide which is very close branch.

    However there is  one challenge in our case. In Reltio cross entity matching is possible?

    Is it possible to do matching between contact address (nested attribute in contact) and branch address(which is at Organization level)?

    Vikash Malekar

  • 4.  RE: Finding/Searching the closet Location

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 12-11-2024 11:17

    Unfortunately, cross entity matching is not possible.

    While I'm aware of proximity matching, I'm not sure its a good fit for your use case.  In a proximity match, you define a distance that the separation is considered a match.  Perhaps you pick 2 miles.  Suppose none of the branches are within two miles?  Suppose more than one is within two miles?  You don't know which one is closer.  It seems limiting in my understanding of the problem.  But perhaps there is more to it?


    Gino Fortunato

    Senior Solutions Engineer