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  • 1.  Hide Completed Export Jobs of Other Entity Types and Relationship Types

    Posted 01-15-2025 09:53

    Hi Reltio team, I have a requirement that the user should not be able to see the other user exported jobs in Completed jobs tab, How can we achieve this ?

    Thanks & regards

    Nandakumar Nandhi

    Nanda kumar Nandhi

  • 2.  RE: Hide Completed Export Jobs of Other Entity Types and Relationship Types

    Posted 01-15-2025 10:59

    I don't think it's possible now. Console data loader is not driven based on the entity types  privs.

    Please log a enhancement ticket 


    Radhakrishnan Ramalingam Architect
    Majix Solutions Inc
    San Ramon, CA

  • 3.  RE: Hide Completed Export Jobs of Other Entity Types and Relationship Types

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 01-16-2025 02:48

    Hi Nanda,

    If the user does not have the ROLE_ADMIN_TENANT and none of the roles assigned to them grant access to the Export Admin service (shown in the screenshot below), exports initiated by other users will be hidden.

    Mallikarjuna Aakulati

  • 4.  RE: Hide Completed Export Jobs of Other Entity Types and Relationship Types

    Posted 23 days ago

    Hi Mallikarjuna, Thanks it worked.

    Nanda kumar Nandhi