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  • 1.  Match Rule: fuzzy operand

    Posted 24 days ago

    I am reviewing an existing match rule that has

    1. fuzzy operand on First name and Last name attributes and both the attributes are also configured under ignoreInToken. The MatchToken class and ComparatorToken class are com.reltio.match.token.DoubleMetaphoneMatchToken and com.reltio.match.comparator.DoubleMetaphoneComparator

    2. exact operand to match on address attributes (address line1, city, state, zip, country), email and phone number
    3. The fuzzy and exact operands are inside an and operator.
    My question is about the rule's fuzzy operator and the ignoreInToken clause. In this rule configuration, what is the behaviour of the fuzzy operator given that both its operands are also configured under ignoreInToken ?
    My understanding is that no tokens will be generated for First Name and Last Name attributes and hence the fuzzy operator will not do any fuzzy matching. Is this correct ?

    Sumeet Vaidya

  • 2.  RE: Match Rule: fuzzy operand

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 22 days ago

    Hello Sumeet. 

    The ignoreInToken functionality is used to suppress generation of tokens for certain attributes when you feel those tokens will not serve a meaningful benefit toward the goal of finding match candidates. (Documentation: ignoreintoken)

    Reltio's matching process consists of two components:

    1. Find match pair candidates
    2. Analyze pairs to determine match (i.e. comparison process)

    The ignoreInToken parameter is specific towards finding match pairs to evaluate and compare.

    Once the pairs are identified, the comparison logic then uses the comparator classes and comparator operators to evaluate the attribute values to determine a match. ignoreInToken is not applicable in the comparison process

    Hope this helps.

    Below is great walkthrough of the matching process.

    Bryant Barrenechea
    Solution Architect | Professional Services