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  • 1.  Reltio Cross attribute match rule

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 05-16-2024 06:32


    We have a requirement where we have multiple email attributes and need them to be compared to conclude it a match for a profile. It could happen that prospect email is missing and all other emails are present.

    comparator :CrossMultiComparator and ExactMultiComparator

    attribute comparison: 5 ( Email, marketing email, survey email, prospect email)

    How can we use all 5 email attribute in one match rule to compare and merge records?

    links: Design your Comparison Formulas | Reltio

    Comparator Classes | Reltio


    Brijesh Aggarwal

    Brijesh Aggarwal
    New Delhi

  • 2.  RE: Reltio Cross attribute match rule

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 06-06-2024 10:38

    Hello Brijesh,

    Is there specific business reason that you are not using email as nested with type and value pair? Had this been modelled as nested attribute, would have been a simple compare based on value.

    Thanks & regards,

    Bikash Singhal

    Bikash Singhal
    Fresh Gravity