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  • 1.  Reltio Data Loader API

    Posted 12-19-2024 08:27

    Hi all 

    Can you please tell how can we upload files (CSV) from S3 using the Data Loader API,  using S3 role ARN , S3 Bucket Name & S3 Path Name without using the AWS Access & AWS Secret key.


    Priyam Shukla

  • 2.  RE: Reltio Data Loader API

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 12-20-2024 09:55

    Hi Priyam,

    To be honest, I was a little surprised that you wanted to access the key without authentication.  But then I realized that you were more likely asking about other ways to authenticate.  Obviously, there must be some security to get to the encrypted S3 bucket!
    So a quick google search came up with this:  there are probably other ways to do it depending on your S3 configuration.  But I think this is more of a question for AWS than Reltio.

    HTH and happy holidays!

    Gino Fortunato
    Senior Solution Engineer

  • 3.  RE: Reltio Data Loader API

    Posted 12-20-2024 14:53

    Hi Priyam,

    Currently, Reltio doesn't support AWS URN for the Data loader. Unforunately you have to go through  Access Key/Secret Key.

    Radhakrishnan Ramalingam Architect
    Majix Solutions Inc
    San Ramon, CA

  • 4.  RE: Reltio Data Loader API

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 20 days ago

    Hi Priyam,

    Reltio Data Loader Application supports using AWS IAM Role to access the data stored in S3. 

    Please refer to the AWS S3 section in the Reltio doc portal Load entities into a tenant | Reltio for further details.

    Mallikarjuna Aakulati