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  • 1.  Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Posted 08-31-2022 14:21
    Hi All,

    Can anyone help to guide the Action we should use , if we want to update the Entity Attributes in reltio.
    From the Action list I cannot find anything relevant for updating the data directly for Attributes.
    May be I am missing something....


  • 2.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 08-31-2022 15:48

    If you are just looking to send an update for some attributes to an existing profile, you can actually use the Create Record action, but then be sure to tell Reltio you are doing an update with the  Partial Override option.  

    At the bottom, Show optional fields and be sure to  enable the crosswalk Type and Value plus whatever attributes you are going to update.  Adding the crosswalk values tells Reltio which existing record to update.

    Then be  sure to set the Partial Override option.  This tells Reltio to perform delta detection on the incoming  data and preserve any existing values if a new value is not presented.

    That should do it. :)

  • 3.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Posted 05-21-2024 07:01

    How would you add a new source record to an existing entity?  Similar to how the Reltio ID source is added to a record, I am working on an RIH recipe to set a value on an entity and need to put this new value under a source not already a part of the entity.

    Chris McCabe
    Clinician Nexus

  • 4.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Founding Member
    Posted 07-05-2024 10:41

    Hi Chris, If you want to associate a new source to existing record, input JSON should have two crosswalks 
    1. Existing crosswalk with property contributor provider as true/false, data provider as false 
    2. New source crosswalk with data provider as true

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity

  • 5.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Posted 07-04-2024 14:13

    Hi @Daniel Gage is it to possible to update nested attribute using attribute URI using RIH or my use case to update adddresses for HCP where address in nested attribute in HCP. even slightest of cahnge address line1 is creating new address which i want to avoid and correct the existing addressed. is this possible using RIH?



    Jayaprakash Kanagaraj

  • 6.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 07-09-2024 13:46

    Yes, but it is a little bit trickier.  Rather then applying the update to:
    POST: /reltio/api/{tenantID}/entities
    {... entity payload }

    You would apply it directly to the URI of the address value, like below (note this is a PUT)
    PUT: /reltio/api/{tenantID}

    There are also a required header attribute: 
    header 'Source-System: configuration/sources/Reltio'

    Note that the source system in the header needs to correspond to the crosswalkValue in the query string.  

    Where this gets tricky is that the uri in the path need to match the URI of the specific value contributed from that crosswalk.

    So if a get returning the value is:

    "type": "configuration/entityTypes/Individual/attributes/Addresses/attributes/AddressLine1",
    "ov": false,
    "value": "364 Commercial St",
    "uri": "entities/1sRJwqWB/attributes/Addresses/3ZybJCm8x/AddressLine1/uwM4aI2"

    PUT: {{tenantURL}}/entities/1sRJwqWB/attributes/Addresses/3ZybJCm8x/AddressLine1/uwM4aI2?crosswalkValue=salesforceCrosswalkValue
    --header 'Source-System: configuration/sources/Salesforce'
    "value": "364 Commerce Ave"}

    I believe this will bypass MatchFieldURI because you are applying a PUT directly to a specific value, so no realignment will occur.

    Hope this helps.


    Dan Gage
    Principal Solution Consultant

  • 7.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Posted 07-11-2024 01:53

    thanks for writing back Daniel. Understand this is achieved using Post Entities APiI which means that i need to build a capability to use this for updating 100k addresses. my question is that is this can be achieved using RIB? 



    Jayaprakash Kanagaraj

  • 8.  RE: Reltio Integration Hub "Update Entity Attributes Values Action"

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 07-11-2024 10:50

    I assume you are asking if this can be done with RIH?  Short answer is yes, but you must have the fully qualified URI to perform an update at the level of a specific nested attribute.  I found a better example in our documentation that may help more specifically:

    Dan Gage
    Principal Solution Consultant