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  • 1.  Restrict Unmerge scenario based on Source system

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 12-06-2024 10:13

    Is it possible to restrict unmerge operation for specific source system in Reltio?

    Kumari Nupur

  • 2.  RE: Restrict Unmerge scenario based on Source system

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 12-09-2024 06:15

    Hi Nupur, 

    Can you please provide a little more details on the use case? Are you looking to restrict the unmerge process in general for a specific source system for a specific group of users ? Or this question is more from automatic unmerge perspective? 


    Diparnab Dey
    Technical Consultant
    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • 3.  RE: Restrict Unmerge scenario based on Source system

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 12-16-2024 08:22

    Hi Diparnab,

    For specific source system we want to restrict the user to unmerge the data for specific sources. Say if source A and source b is present in a merged record, user should not be able to unmerge these two particular sources. Other sources can be unmerged.

    Kumari Nupur

  • 4.  RE: Restrict Unmerge scenario based on Source system

    Posted 12-20-2024 14:38


    This can't be done through the configuration. But   you should be  able to restrict this through LCA  - 

    • beforeMerge  event. 

    Radhakrishnan Ramalingam Architect
    Majix Solutions Inc
    San Ramon, CA