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  • 1.  RIH : Integration Script Issue with Reltio JSON Data Fetching

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 06-26-2024 10:06

    Hello Team, 

    I'm encountering issues with my integration script that fetches data from Reltio and transforms it into XYZ JSON format. 

    My goal is to fetch full JSON data from Reltio using the provided endpoint and transform it into XYZ JSON format. The script seems to fetch only a portion of the JSON data from Reltio, and I need assistance in ensuring it retrieves the entire dataset(only metadata(schema-entitytypes) information I want to fetch). 

    Can anyone help me understand if there are any restrictions in RIH (Reltio Integration Hub) that might affect data fetching? I would appreciate any guidance or tips to resolve this issue and ensure my script reads the entire JSON dataset from Reltio without limitations.

    Here's a current script:

    const fetch = require("node-fetch");

    exports.main = async ({ data }) => {
      datal = data;
      return { datal };

    Here is the screenshot. Please note that step 6 is skipped during the recipe execution as I am proceeding with JS. It perfectly transforms Reltio JSON to the expected output, but it is only reading half of the file and thus transform only half of it: 

    Praghya Sharma
    Blue Altair

  • 2.  RE: RIH : Integration Script Issue with Reltio JSON Data Fetching

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 06-28-2024 08:33

    Any help on the above open thread

    Praghya Sharma
    Blue Altair

  • 3.  RE: RIH : Integration Script Issue with Reltio JSON Data Fetching

    Posted 06-30-2024 13:42

    Hi @Praghya Sharma, did you try executing the API call in Step 4 out of RIH? I mean, using Postman or any REST client?

    You are possibly receiving only 200 records in Step 4 because Reltio has a max limit of sending only 200 records in an API response if I'm not wrong. You might have to use Reltio scan APIs if you need to retrieve all the records you are looking for.

    Nidheesh Radhakrishnan
    MDM Developer

  • 4.  RE: RIH : Integration Script Issue with Reltio JSON Data Fetching

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 07-01-2024 05:57

    Hello Nidheesh,

    Thank you for the response, and yes it does run and return the entire file in Postman. 

    And here we are only trying to get metadata information (not the records) we have Reltio JSON file with size of 396 kb , that file needs to be transformed into XYZ JSON file. Any idea how can we achieve this in RIH? 


    Praghya Sharma
    Blue Altair