It's information is sent to the account admin when the tenant is set up. If you don't know what it is you can contact support or your CSM
Original Message:
Sent: 5/20/2024 7:10:00 AM
From: Chris McCabe
Subject: RE: Set Attribute Based on Related Accounts
Thank you for the quick reply. The only option showing to connect to Reltio via the trigger is Reltio AWS, which we have never used before. Assuming all Reltio cloud users are on Amazon, do I need to open a ticket with Reltio to get credentials to log into our respective Amazon account?
Chris McCabe
Clinician Nexus
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2024 22:13
From: Gino Fortunato
Subject: Set Attribute Based on Related Accounts
Hi Chris,
When you create a new recipe, you are asked to "pick a starting point". Select the "trigger from an app" icon and then search/select the app that works with the type of queue your implementation uses, AWS (SQS or SNS), Google Pub/Sub or Azure Service Bus
Gino Fortunato
Senior Solution Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 05-17-2024 18:00
From: Chris McCabe
Subject: Set Attribute Based on Related Accounts
How do you setup RIH to listen for changes to a Reltio entity?
Chris McCabe
Clinician Nexus
Original Message:
Sent: 04-29-2024 11:32
From: Gino Fortunato
Subject: Set Attribute Based on Related Accounts
Hi Chris,
You might be best off doing this synchronously. By that I mean have RIH (or any other integration technology) listen to the queue in your tenant, perform the necessary check in other entities for attribute B, and update entity A's attribute A
Gino Fortunato
Senior Solution Engineer
Original Message:
Sent: 04-26-2024 11:39
From: Chris McCabe
Subject: Set Attribute Based on Related Accounts
I need to set an attribute value on a entity based on another attribute of all entities under the initial entity in a given hierarchy.
In other words, set Attribute A to YES if any entity below in the hierarchy has Attribute B equal to YES.
I believe a custom cleanser would be best to perform this action but uncertain how to implement.
Chris McCabe
Clinician Nexus