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  • 1.  Workflow Adapter

    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous
    Posted 18 days ago
    This message was posted by a user wishing to remain anonymous

    Hi Team,

    I have existing OOTB workflow .When A DCR is raised it is assigned to assignee set up .We have new business request where we have updated the OOTB workflow and from there and DCR is raised via localhost Workflow Adapter it is assigned to PROD Client Credentials instead of DEV Client Credentials

    Could you please help me checking how the assigning can be updated .

  • 2.  RE: Workflow Adapter

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 13 days ago

    Hi User,

    My understanding of the problem you described above is the following

    • You have separate client credentials for DEV/TEST and PROD environments. 
    • When the workflow is raised from the local workflow adapter or the DEV/TEST tenants, you want the workflow to be assigned to the DEV client credentials. 
    • When the workflow is triggered from the PROD UI, then you need the workflow to be assigned to the PROD client credential. 

    Please verify if this understanding is correct. 

    If yes, then you can achieve this via java customizations. Here is what you will need to do. 

    • You will need to capture the tenant ID from the execution
      String tenantId = execution.getTenantId();

    • In the Java implementation, update the assignee from code based on the tenant id. 
      • If the tenant is DEV, route to the DEV client credential. 
      • If the tenant is PROD, route to PROD client credential. 

    Let me know if this helps. 

    Diparnab Dey
    Technical Consultant
    Kolkata, West Bengal