In Location entity,we are getting PostalCode value from a source.
For some addresses, Reltio Data Cleanser can cleanse it and population Zip5 and Zip4.
But in the sources tab,two rows are showing,i.e Reltio Cleanser having three values and label is 9 digit PostalCode and next is only PostalCode having label as "<No label>"
The addresses for which it is not able to cleanse it still showing one row having "<No label>"
We have matchfieldURI set with PostalCode and datalabel Pattern with PostalCode.
Kindly show some light on how can we fix this issue?
"label": "Zip",
"name": "Zip",
"description": "Postal code for a particular delivery point (e.g., US Zip code, UK postcode)",
"type": "Nested",
"hidden": false,
"important": false,
"system": false,
"faceted": true,
"searchable": true,
"attributeOrdering": {
"orderType": "ASC",
"orderingStrategy": "LUD"
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Location/attributes/Zip",
"dataLabelPattern": "[{PostalCode}]",
"matchFieldURIs": [],
"matchFieldURIsExactOrNull": [
Anindya Ray Misra