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Reltio Cleanser Crosswalk contribution in case of Crosswalk Delete Date Property

  • 1.  Reltio Cleanser Crosswalk contribution in case of Crosswalk Delete Date Property

    Posted 06-09-2023 08:55

    We have a scenario where we are deleting/deactivating the Source crosswalk with the help of Delete Date parameter in the Reltio Crosswalk section. 
    Before we pass a Delete Date parameter in the crosswalk the values of that particular crosswalk will undergo cleansing for various attributes like Address, Phone, Email , Full Name etc. and based on our Survivorship logic, Reltio Cleanser Output values survives on some of these attributes. Once we deactivate the original Source Crosswalk along with it's attribute contributions our expectation is that the corresponding Reltio Cleansed Value to not survive as well.

    Please find the Screenshots of the above scenario:

    How do limit the Reltio Cleanser Crosswalk Contribution in the above scenario. Can you guys guide us through and Reltio documentation or is there any parameter on the Physical Configuration that needs to be looked at?

    Let me know if you guys need more information.


    Rakshith Mahendra
    Lincoln Financials

  • 2.  RE: Reltio Cleanser Crosswalk contribution in case of Crosswalk Delete Date Property

    Founding Member
    Posted 06-12-2023 01:15

    Have you tried re-cleansing the location record? See if that helps.

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity