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Collaborative Profile Creation with Custom Workflow

By Abhradeep Sengupta posted 14 days ago



In this blog post we discuss how the newly introduced feature “collaborative profile creation”  can use a custom workflow to create profile records from Reltio hub UI in a governed manner as defined by the business processes to enhance the user experience and productivity


The existing method of creating new records directly in the Reltio hub UI is not an optimal experience for data stewards. The long list of attributes may become overwhelming and error prone and it is not suitable for scenarios where different users want to collaborate in the record creation process to ensure highest data quality.


Collaborative profile creation feature provides Reltio users an additional method of creating new records directly in the Reltio Hub UI where it is a complex multi step process involving different users ( may be from different business units ) contributing in completing the profile so different business processes and downstream applications can consume it.

Reltio offers an OOTB Authoring workflow associated with Collaborative Profile creation feature  which contains an out-of-the-box 1-step approval process.

Custom Workflow

An organization might require a more complex, multi-step workflow rather than the out-of-the-box (OOTB) single-step process to better suit specific business requirements, enhance data stewardship productivity, and improve the overall user experience in Reltio.

Workflow customization usually entails adding extra tasks and decision points to the standard workflows provided by Reltio.

An OOTB Collaborative Profile Creation/Authoring workflow looks like this:

The Authoring workflow is triggered when the user clicks the Suggest option on the Collaborative Profile Creation (Authoring) UI.

Reference : Workflow modeler | Reltio

Collaborative Profile Creation - Workflow Modification:

Authorized users can edit and customize the OOTB Collaborative Profile Creation/Authoring workflow to a multi-step workflow based on their business needs. Below is an example of customized Authoring workflow.

The Product entity creation workflow involves multiple teams and follows a sequential approval process with specific rejection handling mechanisms. The key teams involved are:

  • Entry level Steward

  • Planning Team

  • Package and Pricing Team

  • Trade Marketing Team

Please find the details below which depict how the workflow task flows through different steps for better collaboration to complete the profile.


Actor / Responsible Team

Decision Point





Suggestor / Entry-level Steward


Suggest new Product details to Planning team




Planning Team

Product details review

Pass details to Package & Pricing team

Terminate the workflow

Package & Pricing

Package & Pricing Team

Product details review and Packaging and Pricing details provisioning

Pass details to Trade Marketing team

Send details back to Planning team for rectification

Trade Marketing

Trade Marketing Team

Pricing review and provisioning of Trade Marketing details 

Pass details to Approve service* task. 

Pass details to Reject service* task

*Approve Service

System / Automated

Final approval for FFG entity

As this is the final step in the workflow design, the entity will now be saved

*Reject Service

System / Automated

Rejection of FFG entity

Provide rejection comments for necessary corrections and potential re-initiation of authoring workflow


UI Modeler

The UI modeler in Console UI already provides the capability to configure how the multi step wizard for Collaborative profile creation would look like for Hub UI users

Configure Collaborative Profile Creation for an entity type | Reltio

How does it look in HUB UI

This functionality is presented on the Hub UI in a user-friendly manner, streamlining the creation process for entities such as customers, accounts, products, individuals, etc.

  • Search Before Create - as the user continues to add details - similar existing profiles are listed on the right hand panel. This list is dynamic in nature - so it changes whenever additional information is provided. User can click on these profiles to open up in new tab and inspect

  • Validation Errors : Existing validation rules are executed during the authoring process. validation results are displayed at the top. These validations provide guidance but do not prevent the workflow from moving forward, allowing defined paths for approval and rejection

  • Conditional Attribute - Conditional attribute as a feature is supported in collaborative profile creation. Some of the attributes will be available ( or unavailable) on the UI screen based on value of another attribute called control attribute


We have several options available to implement role-based restrictions in Collaborative Profile Creation/Authoring:

UI Configuration:

  • Edit the UI config JSON file: Define roles against specific authoring steps to control the visibility of entire steps (including attributes). This ensures that roles not permitted to view/edit attributes associated with a particular step will not see those steps at all.

Please check the authoring configuration for the specific entity in the UI config file

You can define which role has access to which specific step. Like in the example below - Only Admin and Trademarket role will be able to access the “Trade Marketing” step in the process



Metadata Configuration:

  • Attribute-Level Permissions: Modify the metadata configuration to ensure right role based access  permissions for specific attributes. This approach displays the step  but prevents any view /edit or update of specific attributes by unauthorized roles ( users or user groups) . By leveraging metadata security, you can specify which roles have CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) permissions for a specific attribute.

Facet-Level Permissions:

  • Define Permissions in UI config file: The Profile View UI configuration file allows for facet-level permissions (only “canRead” is supported currently), any other role outside this definition will not be able to see this specific facet view


These options provide flexibility and granularity in controlling access and edit capabilities within the Collaborative Profile Creation/Authoring process.

Detailed Workflow Steps:

Entry Level Steward:

  • Description: The process starts with the data steward, who provides the initial product details necessary for creating the FFG entity.

  • Output: Entry level steward’s input is passed to the Planning Team for review as the user clicks on suggest.

As you would notice in the Authoring workflow Properties panel on the right, the Planning task is configured to the Candidate Group - ROLE_REVIEWER_PLANNER

This is how the hub UI looks like for the first user based on security and permission configuration , Note the dynamic list of entities in the right hand panel

Note how the validation messages show up when user clicks on suggest - the task still gets generated and passed on to the next team

Planning Team

  • Description: A new task is created and gets auto assigned to someone in the planning team . This person gets an email about the task. They can access this task from inbox section in profile statistics dashboard .As already mentioned, planning team members' access to other steps can be controlled by role based access configuration. The Planning Team reviews the product details submitted by the Entry level steward, and adds any necessary planning information. The member can now take a few possible actions.

  1. Update - this will update the pending entity. The task will remain with the current user

  2. Re-assign - this will allow user to reassign the task to someone else in the planning team

  3. Approve: If the Planning Team approves, the workflow proceeds to the next step i.e. Package and Pricing Team.

  4. Reject: If the Planning Team rejects the details, the workflow is terminated, and the profile creation process stops here.

When the second user opens up the entity from the email or task inbox in the dashboard - it shows the validation messages. Visibility is controlled by permission and screen has only “suggest” mode automatically selected as the process is being governed by the workflow

Note how different action buttons are marked on the top right corner of the screen.

The user clicks on “Accept” to send the record to the next step. Once it is sent , the current user will not be able to work on it

Package and Pricing Team

  • Description: The Package and Pricing Team reviews the approved details from the Planning Team, focusing on packaging and pricing aspects.They will have email and notification for the task.  They can also update , reassign , accept or reject the task just like the previous team. 

  1. Approve: If the Package and Pricing Team approves, the workflow moves to the Trade Marketing Team.

  2. Reject: If the Package and Pricing Team rejects the details, the workflow loops back to the Planning Team for rectification, rather than terminating the process. This ensures that any issues identified by the Package and Pricing Team are addressed by the Planning Team.

    In HUB UI , the user from the package and price group opens the task. Notice how the planning step is absent due to permission. You can see the relationship facet in this step as we support creating relationship during this collaborative profile creation

Trade Marketing Team

  • Description: The Trade Marketing Team reviews the details for trade marketing considerations. In the example given below - this team is responsible for last step in authoring so the access configuration allows them to view the complete entity

  1. Approve: If the Trade Marketing Team approves, the workflow proceeds to the final approval service. This means the entity will get saved in the database as a profile and be ready for all the business processes. Once saved , the entity will be opened in regular view mode as configured in the UI modeler

  2. Reject: If the Trade Marketing Team rejects, the workflow is directed to the Reject Service, which handles the rejection process.

    The trade marketing team opens up the task. They have access to all steps but notice how none of the facets in third step is visible due to facet level permission set up

As this is last step in customized workflow - accepting this step will save the entity in database and opens up in regular “view” mode

Rejection Handling

The rejection handling described above is specific to this example of custom workflow and may vary depending on the specific workflow design and requirements.


This document illustrates a well-structured sequential approval process for authoring a “Final Finished Goods” entity. It involves multiple teams ensuring the product details are entered and approved at various levels:

  • The workflow starts with the Entry-level steward providing product details.

  • The Planning Team’s approval is critical, as its rejection terminates the process.

  • The Packaging and Pricing Team's feedback loops back to the Planning Team if needed, ensuring thorough validation before proceeding to the Trade Marketing Team.

  • The Trade Marketing Team’s approval leads to finalization and thats is the reason they have access to all the steps, while rejection terminates the process.

This sample design ensures a robust and comprehensive validation process for creating a Final Finished Goods entity, minimizing errors and ensuring compliance with business standards.


1 comment



2 days ago


We created custom role "readstep1" and provided below permissions:
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/attributes/SSN Number",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
        "access": ["READ"]
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/attributes/First Name",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
        "access": ["READ"]
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/attributes/Last Name",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
        "access": ["READ"]
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/attributes/Email",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
        "access": ["READ"]
    "uri": "configuration/entityTypes/Person/attributes/Phone Number",
    "permissions": [
        "role": "readstep1",
        "access": ["READ"]
But still its not showing attributes while creating new profile in suggesting mode.
Please help us with this.

Thank you!