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  • 1.  DCR Workflow

    Posted 08-21-2024 10:03

    Hi Reltio team, 

    Can we create multiple custom DCRs based on entityTypes ? Like entityType 1 should go through a DCR1 and entityType 2 should go through a DCR 2.

    Thanks & Regards

    Nandakumar Nandhi

    Nanda kumar Nandhi

  • 2.  RE: DCR Workflow

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 08-21-2024 12:03


    Only one DCR workflow file can be present, however we can modify the workflow to achieve your goal. A workflow jar can be used to evaluate the entityType,  then we can use conditional routing to assign form A or B based on the entityType. 

    Workflow Jar Development Docs: 


    Hopefully this helps, let us know if you have additional questions. 

    Ashley Branham

  • 3.  RE: DCR Workflow

    Posted 08-22-2024 01:14

    Thank you Ashley, got your point.

    Nanda kumar Nandhi

  • 4.  RE: DCR Workflow

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 08-21-2024 12:59

    Another alternative to what Ashley recommended is to use the ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST permission.  Reltio will only assign DCR to users who have this permission on a given profile / entity type.  

    This permission is similar to Create, Read, Update, Merge, Unmerge or Delete permissions assigned through security.

    So if you create custom roles ROLE_DCR_ORG and ROLE_DCR_CONTACT and each role grants ACCEPT_CHANGE_REQUEST to the appropriate entity type, then the default DCR process will only assign change request to users authorized to accept it.  

    If you want to have alternate paths or additional steps based on the entity type, then the approach Ashley recommends is best.

    Dan Gage
    Principal Solution Consultant

  • 5.  RE: DCR Workflow

    Posted 08-22-2024 01:15

    Thank you Daniel for the alternative approach.

    Nanda kumar Nandhi

  • 6.  RE: DCR Workflow

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 09-19-2024 03:47

    For triggering different dcr workflows for different entity-types you can use RIH:

    1. Create google pub sub account
    2. Create external message queue. 
    3. If any event happens into reltio UI. External message queue stores that event. Ex., If user did some changes into entity, external queue stores all event info like which enity and entitytype changed, what are the old values, what are the new values. Constraint user should only do changes into editing mode. You can set that level of permission to user.
    4. Create RIH recipe. Read messages from external queue. From that message extract entity type. Use if-else condition in RIH recipe. If changes done in entitytype A then call DCR1. using StartprocessInstance API of reltio. Same thing do for entity type B.
    5. In the workflow modeler, set manualstart variable to true in DCR.xml file.
    Thank you!

    Gayatri Khatale
    Blue Altair