Thanks for the feedback, I tried this and seems like this config doesn't prevent for every new request to update data from a new source/crosswalk a new autogenerated id is created. Talking Reltio Support seems like there is no way to stop this behavior and avoid IDs being created every time a new crosswalk is created and make this entity unique not crosswalk unique for requests.
Diego Ramirez Fallas
Original Message:
Sent: 02-20-2023 01:25
From: Snehil Kamal
Subject: How do I prevent autogenerator identifiers being created for each source updating the entity data?
Hi Diego,
You may want to look at the property "uniqueGeneratedValuePerEntityPerRequest" for this requirement
Snehil Kamal
Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 02-17-2023 17:42
From: Diego Ramirez Fallas
Subject: How do I prevent autogenerator identifiers being created for each source updating the entity data?
Every time the entity is updated by a new source, autogenerated identifier values are generated for each new source updating the data, we want this to be persistent and being generated just the first time the entity is created, and if it's updated by any source, this value should persist, avoiding also the waste of consecutive numbers.
Diego Ramirez Fallas