Hi Snehil,
If we do not use select in postman we get all columns and startEntity as Companyid.
But issue is we don't want so many columns .Attached file.
Also we tried with json format with below select and filter
Here we are getting crosswalk columns also. I will paste response at the end.
Please help if we can get rid of crosswalk value in export from API call in file format json.
Our requirement is to get only these values and no crosswalk value,File format can be json
Request -
{"uri":"relations/uPxzSkc","type":"configuration/relationTypes/AlternateCompanyRel","createdBy":"jason.grant@optum.com","startObject":{"type":"configuration/entityTypes/Company","objectURI":"entities/694JdZv","label":"Southern Ohio Medical Center","directionalLabel":"Alternate Parent Company","crosswalks":[{"uri":"entities/694JdZv/crosswalks/AY9VkpXr","type":"configuration/sources/Reltio","value":"694JdZv","reltioLoadDate":"2024-04-10T16:36:33.526Z","createDate":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","updateDate":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","attributes":["entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/UpdateTime/AY9Vkh1L","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/Status/AY9VkYUp","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/UpdatedBy/AY9VklHb","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/NeedsStewardship/AY9Vkcl5"],"singleAttributeUpdateDates":{"entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/UpdateTime/AY9Vkh1L":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/Status/AY9VkYUp":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/UpdatedBy/AY9VklHb":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z","entities/694JdZv/attributes/StewardshipStatus/AY9VkUEZ/NeedsStewardship/AY9Vkcl5":"2019-04-12T21:52:18.493Z"}}]},"endObject":{"type":"configuration/entityTypes/Company","objectURI":"entities/0sbZHLp","label":"SOMC Home Health","directionalLabel":"Alternate Child Company","crosswalks":[{"uri":"entities/0sbZHLp/crosswalks/5L16Y3uf","type":"configuration/sources/Reltio","value":"0sbZHLp","reltioLoadDate":"2023-09-21T18:55:45.193Z","createDate":"2023-09-21T18:55:45.193Z","updateDate":"2023-09-21T18:55:45.193Z","attributes":[],"singleAttributeUpdateDates":{}}]}}
Shruti Das
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 11-25-2024 09:09
From: Snehil Kamal
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Shruti,
I can see you still have a select parameter in your API request. Can you try removing that and see what you get in the output?
Snehil Kamal
Senior Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 11-25-2024 04:52
From: Shruti Das
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Snehil,
Just checked this screenshot of Document where it says that startObject and endObject are not supported in export.
Also you have mentioned one point
"The workaround is to get rid of the select parameter while exporting. You will get start and end object crosswalks that way."
-Does this means we dont need to mention anything in select statement to get all values in crosswalk.
Because I already tried that and it was giving Company.id,Company.name
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 09:34
From: Snehil Kamal
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Shruti,
See the highlighted note from the documentation
The workaround is to get rid of the select parameter while exporting. You will get start and end object crosswalks that way.
Snehil Kamal
Senior Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 08:33
From: Shruti Das
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Snehil,
I am not getting startObject and endObject in export file.
When I do GET I am getting response I mentioned in above comment and there is all attributes including startObject and endObject.
But when I do POST for export I am not getting these values. In above chat I have mentioned request response for export as well.
Can we do it with attribute projection? If yes then how can we do?
Shruti Das
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 05:42
From: Snehil Kamal
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Shruti,
For some reason, I don't see any attachments. Did you get the attribute in response? Please note that the "Role" attribute should be present inside your relationType for this to work
Snehil Kamal
Senior Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 05:08
From: Shruti Das
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Snehil,
Thanks for your revert.
Please check my request and response I tried as per your suggestions.
GET {{tenantURL}}/relations?filter=(equals(endObject,'0sbZHLp')&select=uri,createdBy,startObject,endObject,attributes.Role
Response is attached in file.
Shruti Das
Shruti Das
Original Message:
Sent: 11-21-2024 04:51
From: Snehil Kamal
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi Shruti,
Please try the below syntax for specifying the attributes in the select parameter:
GET {{tenantURL}}/relations?filter=(equals(endObject,'0rzd5Dg')&select=uri,createdBy,startObject,endObject,attributes.Role
Let me know if it works
Snehil Kamal
Solution Architect
Original Message:
Sent: 11-19-2024 03:19
From: Shruti Das
Subject: How to export values for nested attributes from Relationship API in Reltio
Hi All,
I need to export data from POSTMAN to get relationship attributes(eid,parent eid,parent name,child eid,child name)
Please find my filter and select in used in Postman
filter equals(type,'configuration/relationTypes/AlternateCompanyRel')
I am not getting startObject and endObject values in export.
Only getting results for below attributes.
Please help to write select for nested attributes.
Attached is sample get Relations Response to refer attributes used.
Shruti Das