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  • 1.  Missing relationships - how to find them

    Posted 06-14-2023 17:46


    Is there a way for me to find missing relationships by using Reltio Advanced Search capabilities or perhaps API calls? 

    For example, I have entityA which is a parent of entityB with a relationtype of EntAToEntB.  And I want to determine the following:

    • Missing Relationship: I have EntityA-100 and EntityB-200 but a relationtype EntAToEntB does not exist despite Start and End Object presence.
    • Orphan: I have EntityB-200 but no EntityA-100, thus relationtype EntAtoEntB does not exist due to no Start Object.

    How can I find these scenarios?

    Thank you,

    Frank Zendejas

    Frank Zendejas
    Ferguson Enterprises

  • 2.  RE: Missing relationships - how to find them

    Founding Member
    Posted 06-15-2023 04:16

    There could be multiple reasons why relationship is not visible in Reltio UI (Relationship Perspective) of . e.g.,
    1. Relationship is soft deleted -> Enable "Show inactive relationship" from setting
    2. Relationship is hard deleted -> Check the Activity Log perspective
    3. Environment has data inconsistency issue. -> Try following API to get a relationship
    GET {{tenantURL}}/relations?filter=(equals(type,'configuration/relationTypes/<<TYpe>>') and equals(startObject,'entities/A') and equals(endObject,'entities/B')

    There are Reltio tasks to fix relationship inconsistency if that can bring back the missing relationship
    POST {{applicationURL}}/api/{{tenant}}/relationsStartEndObjectsConsistencyCheck?fixInconsistency=true&fixStartEndObjectCrosswalks=true

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity

  • 3.  RE: Missing relationships - how to find them

    Posted 06-15-2023 10:51

    Hello Ashish,

    Thank you very much for your detailed response, it's greatly appreciated.  I will leverage what you've provided.

    Have a great day,

    Frank Zendejas

    Frank Zendejas
    Ferguson Enterprises