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  • 1.  Rebuild Match Tables

    Posted 01-10-2023 13:02


    Is there a way to prevent entity merge during rebuilding of matchTables? Earlier we used the "Rebuild Match Table Task Version 2" with options performMatching=false & mergeAutoMatches=false but this has been deprecated and the current RebuildMatch table task doesn't allow us to control how we want the rebuild to run.

    The version2 task was helpful in terms of avoiding downstream systems being overloaded with merges during the rebuild

    Saneesh Pillai

  • 2.  RE: Rebuild Match Tables

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 01-23-2023 11:16
    The supported version of the RebuildMatchTabble job does not support preventing entity merges. The way to prevent the merging of entities is to convert the automatic merge rules to suspect. This rule can be set back to the automatic merge rule type when the downstream is ready to receive the merged entities.

    Suchen Chodankar

  • 3.  RE: Rebuild Match Tables

    Posted 02-06-2023 11:00
    Hi Suchen,

    Wouldn't we need to run the rebuildMatchTable task again, when we change the rule back to automatic? This defeats the purpose of making the rules to suspect in the first place.

    Saneesh Pillai

  • 4.  RE: Rebuild Match Tables

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 02-07-2023 09:58
    Hi Saneesh,

    I assumed that the auto merges would eventually need to be synchronized with the downstream application, so I suggested that the rules can be changed to automatic merges when the downstream applications are ready to consume many events. If the question was how to prevent merges from taking place during the rebuildmatchtable job then there is no way to do that.

    Suchen Chodankar

  • 5.  RE: Rebuild Match Tables

    Posted 02-07-2023 15:59

    Does the user running the "rebuild match table task" also show as user for automatic merges occurring as a result of the rebuild job?

    If so, perhaps event filtering to exclude specific user id might accomplish what is being asked.



    Mark Burlock
    Dodge Data & Analytics
    Hamilton NJ