Context: We have Merge on Fly Disabled on tenant; Loqate cleanser config has OvOnly usage property as True - so only OV values are sent to Loqate cleanser. We have matching & survivorship setup on location which relies on Reltio Cleanser crosswalk having high priority.
- When a location crosswalk is loaded – which one happens first? 1. Location Cleansing , which adds Reltio Data Cleanser crosswalk to entity OR 2. Matching (as OV value changes depending on Reltio Data Cleanser crosswalk as per our survivorship)
- If source crosswalk is loaded on a regular frequency to tenant, does it retrigger (force) recleansing on location profile? If not, when does automatic recleansing happens on entity?
- (Part 2b) If there are multiple source crosswalks in a location entity, does it matter which crosswalk (the one contributing to OV prior to cleansing, or others) should get update to trigger recleansing?
- If 2 location profiles are merged, we understand that Reltio will drop existing Reltio Data Cleanser (RDC) crosswalks and will recleanse again from OV resulting from the merge. Is this correct?