I have tried this filter already. But that is not working as object filter will work only on object level properties, it is not working on outside object properties like ovChanged properties which is outside the object in the event.
Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2024 13:23
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: Way to Filter out events triggered due to non ov changes
Hi Vikash,
I haven't tried it yet but see if this helps, Add object filter as
objectFilter=equals(ovChanged,'configuration/entityTypes/XYZ') and equals(ovChanged, 'true')
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 06-25-2024 03:05
From: Vikash Malekar
Subject: Way to Filter out events triggered due to non ov changes
Hi Folks,
Is there any way we can filter out events which have ovChanged: false for snapshot payload type?
example: We want this kind of events to be ignored and do not want to be streamed.
Can you please let know if there is a way to filter out them.
Vikash Malekar