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  • 1.  Address Verification Code (AVC) and Address Verification status

    Posted 10-01-2024 18:12

    The address validation process returns the AVC code V33-I44-P6-100, but the verification status value is partially verified.

    Based on the AVC code and the verification status details, shouldn't the verification status value be verfied ? For reference, please see the screenshot below.

    Sumeet Vaidya

  • 2.  RE: Address Verification Code (AVC) and Address Verification status

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 10-04-2024 10:35

    Hi Sumeet, 

    The out of the box address cleanser set up, sets the Address Verification Status as "Partially Verified" if the AVC Code is V 1/2/3* or P*. That's the reason, the record in question is giving you a Partially Verified status. 

    You can find the configuration in the CleanseCofig section of the Location entity in the configuration JSON response. 

    Let me know if this answers your question. 

    Diparnab Dey
    Technical Consultant
    Kolkata, West Bengal

  • 3.  RE: Address Verification Code (AVC) and Address Verification status

    Posted 10-04-2024 13:05

    Thanks Diparnab. This helps.

    Sumeet Vaidya