Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2023 12:36
From: Sheshadri V
Subject: Bulk Updating Suspect Matches
Even on UI, the API is called n number of times with respect to no of potential matches.
You can check this on the actual page and open Developer tools and network, you can see that multiple API are called at the same time and there's no one api which can update Not a match for all profiles.
Sheshadri V
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2023 11:16
From: ujwal upadhyay
Subject: Bulk Updating Suspect Matches
Thank you for the response!
Is there an API that functions the same as this not-a-match function:
Since it does not-a-match for all the potential matches on an entity without having to call it multiple times.
ujwal upadhyay
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2023 10:51
From: Sheshadri V
Subject: Bulk Updating Suspect Matches
Hi Ujwal,
We do not have any Utility to Mark Not A Match for specific entities.
Instead you can build a custom logic via script/RIH using below API:
You may have to run across all entities list with Potential Matches to mark not a match.
Eg: 1 entity has 5 uris then for same entity we have to excute 5 times with Potential Match URI to mark not a match.
Sheshadri V
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 06-13-2023 09:49
From: ujwal upadhyay
Subject: Bulk Updating Suspect Matches
Was wondering if there was any way to bulk update suspect matches on entities?
For example, if we had a list of entities where we want all their potential matches to be marked as Not-A-Match how would we go about doing this?
Thank you!
ujwal upadhyay