Here are a few supporting screen shots since Custom Action is basically a 'do it yourself'...

setup the request/response json - you can grab sample for schema generation from a postman call if you don't have one already.

map values to the data section - specifying the relationship type, start/end crosswalk, etc. You can do bulk processing and send many relationships at in one go (to save on tasks)

Additional fun stuff you may want to do is track successful and error rows for logging (either in logger or putting to an RIH Lookup Table for tracking loads).

Michelle Popovits
Technical Consultant
Original Message:
Sent: 09-27-2023 12:23
From: ravisaiteja yerra
Subject: Creating Relationships between two entities using RIH
Hi All,
Is there a way that we can create Relationships between two entities using RIH
ravisaiteja yerra