Thank you for the details. DVF warning / error is triggered when the condition returns true.
So if 'C' is not allowed, you should check for attribute value = 'C'. When attribute has value 'C', the configured error / warning message should trigger
Original Message:
Sent: 02-16-2024 07:26
From: Karthik karthik
Subject: Data Validation Function behaviour
Hi Saurabh,
I have attribute A and it has a Survivorship Strategy as Aggregation it has Values 'A','B','C' .
where as i have a DVF on this attribute for checking the allowed values for this attributes .
Allowed Values are 'A','B' and 'C' is not a allowed value and my expectation is DVF rule should give a warning .
Original Message:
Sent: 02-14-2024 10:18
From: Saurabh Agarwal
Subject: Data Validation Function behaviour
Hi Karthik,
Please can you elaborate the use case in simple language instead of the DVF function? Also, please can you share the observed behavior as well?
Looking at the DVF function, I think that you may want to use AND instead of OR between the different value or use the (not listEquals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'Equity', 'Debt',..)
Saurabh Agarwal
Original Message:
Sent: 02-13-2024 02:03
From: Karthik karthik
Subject: Data Validation Function behaviour
Hi Experts,
We created a DVF on Investment Entity and on Type of Interest attribute.
Please find the below DVF rule for reference.
(not equals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'Equity') or not equals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'Debt') or not equals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'Preferred Equity') or not equals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'LP Interest') or not equals(attributes.TypeofInterest.value, 'Derivative') ) and exists(attributes.TypeofInterest.value)
We had a survivorship strategy on this attribute as Aggregation .
When we test the above DVF by passing one Value in the above list and one random value and our expectation is DVF rule has to trigger for the Random values passed and display warning message According but the behaviour we observed is different.