Hi Team, I have an attribute in my sandbox tenant called, HCPID that’s autogenerated. How can I setup profile cloning so that when I clone a profile, it automatically generates a new HcpID?I have the UI config setup like this
"cloneAction": [
"entityTypeUris": [
"attributeReplacementMapping": {
"attributes/HCPID": null
"relationshipTypesToCopy": [
I have the L3 configuration setup like this for HCPID
"label": "HCP ID",
"name": "HCPID",
"description": "An auto-generated unique id assigned to an HCP",
"type": "String",
"hidden": false,
"important": true,
"system": false,
"faceted": true,
"searchable": true,
"autoGenerated": true,
"generator": "Sam_Wilson_1",
"autoGenerationPattern": "{value}",
"generateIfEmpty": true,
"generateIfNotEmpty": false,
lk": true,
"attributeOrdering": {
"orderingStrategy": "LUD"
"uri": "configuration/entityTypes/
"skipInDataAccess": false
But for some reason when I clone a profile, it doesn’t automatically create a new HCPID. Attached below is a brief video that demonstrates this.