Thank you for the detail, Shiva!
I have created this as an Idea if anyone wants to vote it up!
Wes Corbin
Wex Inc
Portland ME
Original Message:
Sent: 01-15-2025 03:15
From: Shivaputrappa Patil
Subject: IP WhiteL List for specific Client Credential?
Hi Wes,
Currently we don't support the whitelisting for client ids,
However I request you to file enhancement ticket so that our pm team can take look at it
Shiva Patil
Shivaputrappa Patil
Original Message:
Sent: 01-10-2025 10:56
From: Wes Corbin
Subject: IP WhiteL List for specific Client Credential?
An internal engineering team has a set of services that access Reltio data using Client Credentials for authentication. That access will always come from a defined set of IP addresses, and we would like to configure their Client Credential to allow authorization only from that IP Whitelist (we know authentication isn't restricted) in order to reduce the risk of data loss from a comprised secret.
Does Reltio allow configuring specific IP Whitelists for Client Credentials (M2M connectivity) as opposed to blanket IP whitelists for the entire application?
Wes Corbin
Wex Inc
Portland ME