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  • 1.  Potential Match Extract between CT and DT

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 04-27-2022 00:20
    HI Guys,
    Is there any way to get potential match extract that were created between Data Tenant and Customer Tenant?


  • 2.  RE: Potential Match Extract between CT and DT

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 04-29-2022 01:02
    Hi Karthi,

    Depending on what you mean by 'extract', you can use the Reltio search functionality and find the matches by match rule.  Then select the match rule(s) that fine data across the tenants.  From there, you can export  that data.

    Is that what you are trying to do?

  • 3.  RE: Potential Match Extract between CT and DT

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 04-29-2022 01:14
    HI Gino Fortunato,
    Actually i need to take aextract which will have comparision/matching of records with its the extract which we get as output in Potential Match extract Rocs Utility. Basically in Potential Match extract Rocs Utility ,I was able to get extract of potential matches  of records undergo match rules which configured in CT. (Matches between CT record and CT record) but with that utilitiy i was unable to generate extract between CT record and DT record. SO just want to know i can achieve this with some other way or need to create a utility that will generate extract of potential matches between DT and CT.


  • 4.  RE: Potential Match Extract between CT and DT

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 04-29-2022 11:31

    I am guessing that is because its cross tenant....

  • 5.  RE: Potential Match Extract between CT and DT

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 04-29-2022 11:53

    Hi Karthi,

    Unfortunately, the ROCS utility does not support this feature right now, but the tool is open source so if you or someone on your team has java skills you may be able to extend it.