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  • 1.  Storing non-latin names

    Posted 05-09-2022 12:54

    We have need to store non-latin names such as Chinese in Reltio MDM and also we need transliterated fields that needs to be stored in Reltio so that other downstream systems can consume. This is necessary since some of our downstream systems does not accept non-latin names.

    We are thinking of storing these transliterated names in additional attributes like for eg., TransliteratedName_FirstName, TransliteratedName_Address, etc.,

     Any suggested best practices or pointers/help is appreciated.

  • 2.  RE: Storing non-latin names

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 05-10-2022 10:44
    Although I don't know how they are storing the data, I know we have a customer doing this.

    Along with the way you have suggested above, another way to do this would be to convert the relevant attributes to nested where the nest contains the value and the script.

    My guess is that the best way to store the data will depend on your integration scenarios and picking out the right text to send in the messages.