Hi people,
We are working on a Reltio workflow that should trigger only when a specific attribute (SCH_Organization_Classification_Level_3) of an entity is modified, the attribute is a nested attribute since we have the Organization Classification which then has 3 levels inside. However, we are facing an issue where the workflow gets triggered on any change to the entity, rather than just the relevant attribute change.
For what I originally understood in how I should implement the classes I have:
Validator: Ensures the Org Classification Level 3 is modified with valid transitions (e.g., from/to "Academic Health System" or "Academic Medical Center").
Listener: Assigns tasks to ROLE_AMC_REVIEWERS when the conditions validated above are met.
What We Have Implemented
We have a listener (AMCChangeAndAssignListener) that assigns tasks to a specific role when a relevant change occurs.
We have a validator (AMCChangeValidator) that checks whether a relevant attribute change has occurred before proceeding.
Current Behavior (Unexpected)
Whenever any attribute of an entity is modified, the workflow is triggered.
Tasks are assigned even when changes are unrelated to the expected attribute (SCH_Organization_Classification_Level_3).
What We Have Tried
Checking API Responses Manually:
Updating Listener Logic:
Reviewing Workflow API Documentation:
So we have the following questions:
How can we ensure that the workflow is only triggered when a specific attribute changes?
Is there a recommended way to check for an open task before creating a new one?
Are there any debugging tips for diagnosing workflow triggers in Reltio?
Any insights or best practices would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance for any guidance!
PD: since all the changes were triggering the flow and assigning the new role, which was being done in my Listener, I tried adding all the logic there like behind but still no luck, it gets triggered every time I change any attribute and :
package com.reltio.cliniciannexus.workflow.listeners.amc;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.reltio.workflow.api.WorkflowService;
import com.reltio.workflow.api.listeners.WorkflowTaskListener;
import com.reltio.workflow.api.rest.ReltioApi;
import com.reltio.workflow.api.tasks.Task;
import com.reltio.workflow.api.tasks.TaskService;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.List;
public class AMCChangeAndAssignListener implements WorkflowTaskListener {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AMCChangeAndAssignListener.class);
private TaskService taskService;
private ReltioApi reltioApi;
private static final String REVIEWER_ROLE = "ROLE_AMC_REVIEWERS";
private static final String ATTRIBUTE_URI = "configuration/entityTypes/HCO/attributes/SCH_Organization_Classification/attributes/SCH_Organization_Classification_Level_3";
private static final List<String> AMC_VALUES = List.of("Academic Health System", "Academic Medical Center");
public void notify(Task task) {
logger.info("AMCChangeAndAssignListener triggered for Task ID: {}", task.getId());
// Ensure the task has associated object URIs
if (task.getObjectUris() == null || task.getObjectUris().isEmpty()) {
logger.warn("Task ID {} does not have associated object URIs. Skipping assignment.", task.getId());
// Get the first entity URI from the task
String entityUri = task.getObjectUris().stream()
.filter(uri -> uri.startsWith("entities/"))
if (entityUri == null) {
logger.warn("No entity found for Task ID {}. Skipping assignment.", task.getId());
try {
if (!isRelevantChange(entityUri, task)) {
logger.info("No relevant changes detected for entity {}. Skipping task creation.", entityUri);
if (hasOpenTask(entityUri, task)) {
logger.info("An open task already exists for entity {}. Skipping task creation.", entityUri);
taskService.assignTask(task, REVIEWER_ROLE);
taskService.setVariable(task.getId(), "reviewAssigned", true);
logger.info("Successfully assigned Task ID {} to role: {}", task.getId(), REVIEWER_ROLE);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error while processing Task ID {}: {}", task.getId(), e.getMessage(), e);
* Check if an open task already exists for this entity.
private boolean hasOpenTask(String entityUri, Task task) {
try {
String response = reltioApi.invokeApi(
task.getEnvironmentUrl() + "/workflow/" + task.getTenantId() + "/tasks",
"{ \"objectURIs\": [\"" + entityUri + "\"], \"state\": \"valid\" }"
JsonNode tasksNode = new ObjectMapper().readTree(response).get("data");
return tasksNode != null && !tasksNode.isEmpty();
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error checking existing tasks for entity {}: {}", entityUri, e.getMessage());
return false;
* Check if the change request contains a relevant change.
private boolean isRelevantChange(String entityUri, Task task) {
try {
// Fetch change requests for the entity
String changeRequestsResponse = reltioApi.invokeApi(
task.getEnvironmentUrl() + "/changeRequests?filter=equals(objectURI, '" + entityUri + "')&max=10&offset=0&select=uri,updatedTime",
JsonNode changeRequests = new ObjectMapper().readTree(changeRequestsResponse);
if (changeRequests == null || !changeRequests.isArray()) return false;
for (JsonNode changeRequest : changeRequests) {
String changeRequestUri = changeRequest.get("uri").asText();
String changeRequestDetailsResponse = reltioApi.invokeApi(
task.getEnvironmentUrl() + "/" + changeRequestUri,
JsonNode changeDetails = new ObjectMapper().readTree(changeRequestDetailsResponse).get("changes");
if (changeDetails != null && changeDetails.isObject()) {
for (JsonNode entityChange : changeDetails.get(entityUri)) {
String attributePath = entityChange.get("attributePath").asText();
String newValue = entityChange.at("/newValue/value").asText();
if (ATTRIBUTE_URI.equals(attributePath) && AMC_VALUES.contains(newValue)) {
logger.info("Relevant change detected: attributePath={}, newValue={}", attributePath, newValue);
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Error processing entity URI: {}", entityUri, e);
return false;
Here is how the workflow runs for any change I do on any attribute from the entity

Luis B.