Hi Abhijit,
I haven't implemented any custom workflow till now but could add some points on this.
Reltio by-default has below workflow in common -
- Potential Review
- Delete Review
- Data Change Review
Bit bucket link to get above source files -
https://bitbucket.org/reltio-ondemand/workflow/src/master/Requirements other than above listed ones can be developed & deployed through building custom files (bpmn & jar files).
Detailed information regarding developing custom workflows can be found in this link -
Chetan P
Original Message:
Sent: 12-06-2022 06:40
From: Abhijit Auddy
Subject: Workflow for Hierarchy change
Need a guidance on how to implement separate workflow for hierarchy changes. It can be change of position, top node change etc.
Abhijit Auddy