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  • 1.  Dashboard customization

    Posted 05-21-2024 12:15

    Hello Experts,

    I've got several questions about the customization of Dashboards:

    1) When using the 'has all' filter in advance search, reltio provides the necessary results. But when this filter is used for the chart with the type 'General chart/Filtered entities view', then reltio returns with 'Error Loading Data'. How could this issue be resolved?

    2) Is retrieving information about the original accounts (not profiles) in the charts possible? 

    2) How could a custom chart be added to the dashboard? For example, the chart was developed in a third-party service. In that case, what next steps should be done to see a custom chart un the dashboard?

    Aleksandra Beliaeva

  • 2.  RE: Dashboard customization

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 06-06-2024 04:45

    Hi Aleksandra, 

    Please find answers or suggestions for each of your question

    1. This needs investigation. I would request you to raise a ticket in zendesk
    2. Can you please help me understand what do you mean by "original accounts" (not profiles). Are you talking about source data or some kind of relationship. Also please provide what kind if information you want to put into the chart
    3. You can follow these steps  to add charts to the Profile Stats page from an external source:
    • Create a webpage with BI/custom chart/etc and make it publicly available
    • Open our UI modeler, choose dashboard and drag and drop custom chart
    • Click on custom chart, provide the url you've got on step 1.
    • Publish changes
    • Test it in UI

    Abhradeep Sengupta