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  • 1.  RDM Lookup Export - email not delivered

    Posted 06-12-2023 16:05

    I have run an Export of the RDM Lookups in all tenets. However, although I had an alert that the export would be sent to my email, it has not shown up.  This was first done Friday. Today is Monday. Any idea why the exports are not being delivered?

    Scott Johnson

  • 2.  RE: RDM Lookup Export - email not delivered

    Founding Member
    Posted 06-13-2023 09:19

    I have faced the same issue in past. You can get the export download URL from RDM tasks API
    Here is the API for same: Get {{RDMTenantURL}}/tasks/{{RDMTenant}}/

    Ashish Rawat
    Sr. Manager
    Fresh Gravity