Reltio Connect

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  • 1.  RIH

    Posted 06-28-2023 09:58

    I want to use New Completed Job type trigger to trigger a bulk load using RIH. While configuring the trigger, i have set up the connection correctly and given the correct project-id, dataset, table, and job type, still the trigger is not able to find events when a job completes in app. Am i missing anything here?

    How is Reltio identifying whether the job is getting completed in the app , is there any metadata table it is using to get the completion status?

    How can I make this entire usecase work?

    Sharmistha Roy
    EY GDS

  • 2.  RE: RIH

    Reltio Partner
    Posted 06-30-2023 02:16

    Hi Sharmistha,

    Can you please provide more information on the actual connector and the trigger you are using to understand the issue?

    Sheshadri V
    Fresh Gravity