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  • 1.  DATA Loader mapping on the console

    Founding Member
    Posted 10-05-2022 15:54
    Is there any way I can see the mappings which were developed in DATA Loader console with out running the Load Job?

    Ram Dornala

  • 2.  RE: DATA Loader mapping on the console

    Founding Member
    Posted 10-06-2022 08:21
    You can export all of them using Rest API{{tenant}}/_mappings?includeProjects=false

    Ashish Rawat
    Fresh Gravity

  • 3.  RE: DATA Loader mapping on the console

    Founding Member
    Posted 10-06-2022 13:37



    I am using this API and also using POST API({{mdmTenant}}/project/job/55eb4573-3855-439f-b484-3960f14ef2ec) for promoting tier to tier.


    But I feel like there is no way to see the mappings in the console with out going thru LOAD JOB process. I mean if any way to just see the Mappings what we have created in the console would be helpful to see what mapping who developed.

    I also wish there will be a POST call for all the mappings instead of one map at a time as we see and get all mappings using the below API what you have provided.  While promoting from Dev to Higher tenants, this post call for all mappings at one time would be helpful instead of one at a time.


    Ram Dornala


  • 4.  RE: DATA Loader mapping on the console

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 10-07-2022 16:04

    Thanks for these great questions on Data Loader. Looks like you and Ashish already found and shared the documentation on the endpoint you can use to access the mapping details of a job via the API.

    To answer your questions around accessing this information directly via the Console UI (and potential enhancements you'd like to see made there):
    • You are correct that the UI of Data Loader in the Console currently has a limitation where mappings can only be viewed in the process of creating or editing jobs in which they will/may be used.
    • This is largely by design, since Data Loader mappings are, in practical terms, a function of two things
      • the column set and data values of a job's actual source file; and
      • the target attributes under the tenant's data model for the entity (or relationship) type being affected by the job
    • The argument could then be made that you need to specify a source file and entity type as part of the job creation process in order to contextualize a mapping for potential use. However, these requirements are abstracted away with the GET {mappingId} call, so a similar view could be built in the UI for a user who wants to perform view-only operations on mappings saved in their tenant.
    For both this and your other enhancement request (to support an endpoint where you can pass a tenant ID and get all mappings for that tenant, versus one at a time via passing in each mapping ID), I would kindly ask that you submit requests for enhancement (or RFEs) via our Aha! Ideas portal.

    This can be accessed at:

    Thank you for your continued engagement on the Reltio platform!

    Best regards,

    Jack Hain
    Senior Product Manager
    Reltio, Inc.