To save data loader job in new tenant with new storage location details, files should be available in new env. else we are not able to post dataloader jobs with new storage details . Could you please let us know how we can resolve this ?
Thanks and Regards
Chenchu Giri Manduva
Original Message:
Sent: 07-26-2023 09:39
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: Dataloader jobs migration
Not sure if I understood you last response but when you export mappings from one tenant to your local/server, you can migrate it to any desired tenant as an new or update to existing mapping.
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 07-26-2023 08:54
From: Chenchu Giri Manduva
Subject: Dataloader jobs migration
Thank you asish for the reply,
But issue is , to save/post dataloader job in higher env. files should be available in test env. location right ? Is it possible to post dataloader job though expected files are not available in the source file ??
Thanks and Regards
Chenchu Giri Manduva
Original Message:
Sent: 07-25-2023 12:29
From: Ashish Rawat
Subject: Dataloader jobs migration
Hi There,
Reltio provide APIs to fetch the data loader mapping from source/lower environment and post/update in the target environment.
Ashish Rawat
Sr. Manager
Fresh Gravity
Original Message:
Sent: 07-25-2023 08:17
From: Chenchu Giri Manduva
Subject: Dataloader jobs migration
Hi Team ,
We have configured some data loader jobs which will load files from Azure location . Now , we need to migrate those jobs from lower to higher env. Could you please let us know how we can migrate with some updates in storage location ?
Note: Client is not preferring to use any ROCS utility.
Thanks and Regards,
M.Chenchu Giri.
Thanks and Regards
Chenchu Giri Manduva