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Reltio New UI Profile Page & Related Perspectives

By Abhradeep Sengupta posted 12-12-2022 14:13


Reltio has built a new UI that is going to replace the existing or classic UI that customers currently use.

This blog describes how the new UI compares to Classic UI in terms of user experience and usability for features across different pages /perspectives of the Reltio platform.

We have carefully analyzed all the feedback that we received from our customers and captured where things have changed to make sure it can help the data stewards and business users in their daily operations to increase their productivity and effectiveness.

In this first part of this blog series - we will discuss important perspectives under the profile page.

Reltio New UI is a completely redesigned and rebuilt user interface. It is an intuitive & modern user experience keeping in mind the needs of data stewards, analysts and business users alike. The new Reltio UI allows users to 

  • Quickly navigate through our modern interface for simplified experience 
  • Personalize their experience with the information relevant to them
  • Better content discovery with a focused search experience
  • Easily review entities and relationships
  • Efficiently steward data

Why did we decide to revamp the Reltio UI

  • Provide users with the latest design concepts 
  • Modern technology stack that is scalable, stable and high performant
  • Accelerate the pace of innovation
  • Self-service configuration
In-depth demo of the new Reltio UI - How Data Stewards, Analysts and Business Users can get the most out of the new Reltio UI


Profile Perspective:

The new profile perspective will be created based on enhanced UI modeler. This will be a four column layout (instead of three column as it was in classic UI) to utilize valuable screen real estate to better present pertinent profile information. Facet arrangement and size of the facet can be controlled as per user preference

We have implemented a new navigation paradigm to ensure that the user can easily move between different perspectives under the profile page. The new navigation will also help us to scale the user interface in near future. We will discuss new UI modeler and navigation in detail later ( part 2 of this blog series)

We have deprecated the research and network tab from the classic UI due to lack of any usage. We are working on ways to provide capability in our roadmap so that customers can achieve the same outcomes themselves. 

We have also upgraded the history view in terms of look and feel for search , filter and how the historical slice can be compared with current or previous view. Profile facet shows the changes in color code.

We are also introducing a feature in the new UI - where the user will get all the validation errors/warnings at the top along with an arrow beside each of  them. Clicking on that arrow will take the user to the attribute associated with that error/warning so that the user can fix that. ( work in progress)

In the profile page ( and other places where users can add comments) collaboration service on the right hand side has the ability to persist unsaved comments unless they move away from the page or refresh the browser directly

Start date and End Date show up by default for relationship facet in profile page.

The workflow tasks will only be available in the right hand panel - workflow tab. The ability to have it in potential match facet or as a separate facet in profile page has been removed to reduce duplicate information on the page.

The “show graph” option in the hierarchy facet for the new UI will take the user to graph perspective and open that specific hierarchy  with “simple network” type layout as default.

Relationship Perspective:

At the top right hand corner user gets to select which columns will be visible in the first level of relationship perspective

The user gets the option to filter out the records based on values defied for attributes/columns available in this view

Notice the “settings” icon on the top right hand . Users can define whether the search will work on “OV” values only or not from this setting.

Also note that - in the above images - two records are faded to indicate that they are inactive because the end date is already populated as a past date.

You can also delete a specific relationship as shown in the image below

The new UI also allows the user to drill down to get more specific information related to a particular relationship.

Notice the top banner which shows the directional label , direction , start date /end date of the relationship. It also has a back arrow to go back to the first level relationship view. 

Also it shows crosswalk level information consistent with the sources view. The user can show/hide attributes from “eye” ( with table) icon on top right side of the sources view. 

Potential Match Perspective:

Main Page Controls - In the main potential match page there are multiple controls.

  • The user can decide which attributes he wants to show/hide in that page . 
  • Also the user can define whether attributes will show only OV values or it should include Non-OV values also.
  • The merge or “Not a Match” option at the top allow users to execute bulk operations

Tabular view - In certain cases , where the number of potential matches are really high ( beyond 3) it becomes difficult for users to view and manage all the records and take action. To overcome this Reltio now supports tabular view for all the potential matches.

Search , Filter , Sort options on right hand side

As shown in the first image below - in the right hand panel , “Potential Match” option allows users to build a query by clicking on the filter icon and providing filter clauses based on different attributes. Users can also sort the list of potential matches based on any attribute.

In the second image - “Find Matches” option in the right hand panel is shown. As indicated in the image - users can search for a profile , sort them and then take hover over the list of profiles to take actions like - “Merge” , “Not a Match” and “ Save on Potential Matches”


Once the user identifies a profile as “Not a Match” then it moves to the third tab in the right hand panel called “Not a Match”. Users can add comments as shown in the image for better collaboration with other users.

Move and arrange left most column items as per user: The user can arrange the different attributes in the left hand side of the screen as per their preference for column view. They can also take actions on a single profile if needed as shown.

Similar options are also available in tabular (row) view where the users can arrange different profiles as per their preference as shown below

Highlight attributes which caused the match - In the potential matches screen , while analyzing different profiles - the user can easily identify the attributes which caused two profiles to be marked as “ potential duplicates” as indicated by color codes as shown below.

In the new Potential Match UI, if we navigate to the Find Matches tab and select/de-select a few attributes, it is expected that the selected attribute remains the same even during the next user login.

Getting the attribute selection frozen would help a lot to improve data stewards' productivity. Having the persistence of user selection/preference is a significant enhancement for potential match screen.

Transitive matches - The new UI lacked the control to show ( or hide) transitive matches from potential matches screen. We have brought the feature back based on customer inputs

Negative Rule - Users were not able to view the negative rules for a profile, as in classic UI. This issue is now fixed and negative rules are now displayed for profiles in the new Potential Matches perspective

Color mapping - The profiles in the left hand pane ( column view) and profiles in the right hand panel list view are mapped to each other through color coding just like classic UI based on customer feedback

Color Flag : Potential match profiles in the right hand panel can be mapped to the same profile in the left hand portion of the screen with the help of the same color band as indicated in the image below. 

Ability to filter Potential Match based on Match Rule -
The classic version of the potential match screen allows customers to filter down the list of potential matches using a match rule or set of match rules or Match IQ recommendations that those potential matches are matched on.

  • In the filter option under the potential match tab, add “Match Rule” as an option that users can select to filter the potential matches records that meet the filter criteria
  • In the filter option under the potential match tab, add “Match IQ” as an option that users can select to filter the potential matches records that meet the filter criteria

Show/Hide Non-OV values for potential match comparison - In the classic potential match review screen, users get to see both OV and non-OV values while comparing the potential match records. Users can now see the non-OV values of the profile attribute along with the OV values in the new UI. By default, the non-OV values are hidden

  • The user should be able to choose to show the non-OV values
  • The selection to show/hide non-ov values should be remembered by the system so that users do not have to make this selection every time

Text Box Search in Find Matches - single text box search functionality in the new potential match review screen under Find Matches tab is available in new UI

Sources Perspective: 

On the right hand panel of the sources page - we get the history view and crosswalk legend view.

On the left hand side we have OV values for different attributes based on survivorship strategy. The end user can view the survivorship strategy for each of the attributes. (S)he can also control what attributes will be visible on the screen.

Survivorship in console

Survivorship configuration will now be managed from console->data modeler ( instead of HUB)  by admin/configurator as shown in the picture below. Every entity type will have a new tab called survivorship

You can have survivorship groups for an entity and multiple rules under one survivorship group and one survivorship group can be marked as “default”.


Edit Option for survivorship

You can click on the pencil icon to edit the rules under one survivorship group. Survivorship strategies can be modified and new attributes can be added from this screen ( as shown below in the picture). You can also define complex strategies for an attribute by defining the fallback strategies and configuring different primary and fallback strategies based on certain filter conditions

The advanced editor allows the user to modify survivorship strategy using JSON editor


History View 

On the right hand side of the sources view - the panel has a history tab which gets expanded when clicked to show a series of historical events/actions associated with that profile. Just like the profile page - the user can choose which historical slice of the profile (S)he needs to compare with.

It also has the option to filter ( as shown in the picture below) the view based on multiple parameters like activity , user , date range etc. 

Crosswalk view from Legend

The other option on the right hand panel shows legend view - based on source contributor or crosswalk ( as shown below)

The top portion is called swim lane view and the bottom portion is termed as list view.

The swim lane view is basically a visual representation of different crosswalks getting merged to each other to form the current consolidated entity. The hover over option allows the user to get the details of those events as shown in the example below

The list view in the new UI is where the user can take some actions. It allows you to add a crosswalk for a specified source or you can unmerge a specific crosswalk from here. This list view works together with the swim lane view by highlighting specific crosswalk as you hover/move your mouse over different section/events of swim lane view


The list view can be expanded to show more details about the crosswalk as shown below . The “eye” icon on the left allows the user to focus/highlight a specific crosswalk. This makes both swimlane view and left pane view filtered based on the “in-focus” crosswalk. The contribution of this crosswalk is highlighted with the same color in the left hand pane. In case the contribution is not directly visible (sub attribute of a nested attribute for example) then a color dot helps the user to identify the attributes that have data from the in-focus crosswalk. Color dots for other crosswalks are faded to highlight the in-focus crosswalk .

One of the feedback from our customers was that the end dated crosswalks are not easily understandable in source UI. We updated the experience to make it more prominent as shown in the picture below


In case the user wants to unmerge a crosswalk - the user will get the option of tree unmerge depending on the crosswalk that (S)he decided to unmerge. 


Upcoming Change:

Better way to highlight contributions from in-focus source

You will notice increased opacity for other crosswalks to highlight the focused crosswalk. This will help in easily identifying the crosswalk that is in focus even when the color of the focused crosswalk is very light. 


Ruleset in new UI
Users with access to multiple survivorship groups will be able to view all the groups as Rulesets in the Sources UI as a dropdown. The survivorship group marked as default will be selected in the UI but the users can choose any other survivorship group to view the operational values of the attributes wrt the selected group.

Please Note: Selection of a survivorship group in the UI will not make the survivorship group as default. Selection of different rulesets in the UI only lets you simulate the OV for different rulesets.  


Graph Perspective:

Graph perspective is a second level sub-division under profile page to display direct and indirect ( multi-hop) relationships with other entities. The major upgrades that happened between classic and new UI are:

Entity details for the selected node are visible in the right hand panel. Entity details are not editable. However this was not possible in classic UI

You also have an option to get 1st level relationship details for the selected node. You can search or filter relationships , add , edit or delete relationships from this place directly


Most of the other features remain as-is like classic UI. The graph highlights the shortest path between the selected node on the graph and the main profile that the user is working on.

Some of the feedback Items on which team is currently working on

  1. “Tree View” not available for graph layout. This needs to be brought back
  2. In right hand panel - user should be able to click hyperlink which will take user to that profile
  3. Hover over relationships to get relationship type details like classic UI
  4. Bring back colors for nodes and edges 

Activity Log

One of the key update in activity log is how the export and filter operations look - to facilitate more modern era of user experience

The filter now provides the option to select multiple activity types. If you choose multiple activities - then the user gets only the default set of filters. However if only one activity is selected then additional filters may appear based on activity.



In conclusion, we have discussed how different perspectives ( Profile , Relationships , Graph , Potential Match, Sources & Activity Log) under the profile page are improved in the new UI. We have applied modern tech stack and enhanced the user experience while upgrading all the key features which make Reltio UI special.

In the second edition of this blog we will be discussing Search Experience , Dashboards , UI modeler and Navigation.

If you have questions make sure you post them here on the Reltio Community

1 comment



12-13-2022 11:30

Pretty cool enhancements! And quite a bit of them!