Reltio Connect

  • 1.  What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 03-01-2022 11:15
    @Joel Snipes sums up in 30 seconds:

    "The purpose of master data management is to consolidate your data from multiple sources in one central place and be able to cleanse and enrich and get to the ultimate golden value.

    For each particular entity that you're mastering it is typical to master your data by entity.  And an example that would be by an individual or an organization. What you're really looking to do is get to that perfect version of that organization for your companies, use case."

    Chris Detzel
    Director of Customer Community and Engagement

  • 2.  RE: What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 03-01-2022 11:16
    Since you are all experts in this area, what would you add or takeaway? 

    @David Starnes@Angela Wawrzaszek, @Walt Feldman @Deepak Bhansali, @Loic tordo, @Gowthamprabhu Sivaraj, anyone else? ​​​​​

    Chris Detzel
    Director of Customer Community and Engagement

  • 3.  RE: What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Founding Member
    Posted 03-01-2022 12:34
    While I agree with this to a certain degree and is how Baxter primarily uses Reltio - consolidation our Customers to create a Golden Profile,  MDM is larger than this. 

    MDM is about creating standards for master data creation to create the Customer to a Standard format.  This reduces the amount of stewarding, and the amount of cleansing needed.   If the consolidated data is not passed back to the original system then you are only 'cleaning' the top of the rug,  while the dirt still remains under the rug.    Common attributes & values,  Common Abbreviations

    The Best practice for MDM is to create the Master Data once, and deliver the Customer data to the systems that need it.   This would allow the data from each of the systems to be created from the Central Image, and then when the Customer xref is loaded from the multiple systems the data will be the same and therefore will automerge, reducing alot of manual work.  This methodology is not always possible or may not be the initial step taken when a Golden Customer visibility is needed and the full Integration to the many systems is not realistic step initially.

    Angela Wawrzaszek
    Manager, MDM governance and Application Enablement

  • 4.  RE: What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Reltio Employee
    Posted 03-01-2022 15:30

    Thanks for the reply Angela!

    You are spot on that consolidating data alone is not enough, if you aren't able to push that golden record back to your source systems you are not getting everything you could be out of your data. 

    I think image below give a nice visual to your "cleaning the top of the rug analogy". While a master data management practice lays an excellent foundation for data science and reporting activities, we shouldn't neglect the supporting ETL and Acquisition layers by failing to push mastered data back to them. 

    Joel Snipes

  • 5.  RE: What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Founding Member
    Posted 03-01-2022 17:28
    Agree with all of Angela's comments, a few of my own:
    • Master Data Management is a technology enabled discipline. Just having a great MDM tool does not mean you are great at MDM. You cannot be great without great stewards, great governance and great processes.
    • Always understand your downstream systems and what they need to succeed from the MDM system. Start with the desired business outcome and work backwards from there.

    Walt Feldman
    Solutions Architect

  • 6.  RE: What is Master Data Management (MDM) and its purpose?

    Posted 03-03-2022 20:24
    Great points and very well summarized, Will like to add my thoughts in alignment.

    MDM is a "Continuous"  process of Cleansing, Standardizing, Enriching & Maintaining  the Golden value of Entity to drive Enterprise Analytics and Operations.
    MDM Engine(Tools), Governance, Data Quality Reporting (CDEs) and Data Stewardship are equally critical for success of MDM implementation. 

    It  should deliver the Canonical model of Entity type for the whole Enterprise.

    As pointed  getting back the mastered data to Source systems in also very important, this is how the improved  and enriched data can get into the Enterprise data flow and is utilized and redeemed across the board.

    Deepak Bhansali
    Sr Technical Product Manager
    Advance Auto Parts